The year 2016 has come to an end, but in 2017 we will continue to see innovative updates to already existing technology trends rather any new, big and splashy device wave. In 2016 we saw important technological breakthroughs, which has changed the way we live, play and work. In the coming time, technologies are going to continue in a same way that will automate every other task involved in our life. So what to expect in this New Year, here are some tech trends for 2017, which you should keep an eye on.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Rise and Shine of Human Capabilities by Machines:
In 2016, we saw huge advancements in artificial intelligence, but 2017 may deliver even more as we can see that AI has gone mainstream. Industry research firm Gartner has predicted AI as the number one strategic technology in 2017 too. In 2017, AI will bring the focus on how we will communicate with computers and other devices, how AI systems will interact with each other and how we, humans are going to interact with each other regarding AI systems.
We can already see the impact of AI reaching to groups outside the tech industries. Artificial intelligence which includes machine learning, advanced analytics and cognitive interfaces will lead to making more intelligent enterprises and their departments. Right from marketing, IT, procurement, customer service, supply chain to finance to legal – all departments will be operating with more efficiencies. The processes can be faster along with greater precision and will help in preventing errors proactively. So, AI is going to change the way businesses interact with their customers as well as employees. AI will play an important role in gathering individual information, which can be used to improve products and start new services to create values for customers and employees at highly personal level.
Intelligent apps going to dominate everywhere:
Technologies like virtual personal assistants (VPAs) are intelligent apps and have the potential to transform the working style and make tasks easier. But intelligent apps are not limited to only digital assistants and every software category will be integrated with AI enabled systems, from security tools to enterprise apps like ERP or marketing or customer management. Industry Research Firm Gartner states that “most of the world’s largest 200 companies to exploit intelligent apps and utilize the full toolkit of big data and analytics tools to refine their offers and improve customer experience.”
Home Automation:
Advanced technology trends will make automation a bigger mainstay in 2017, pleasing marketers as it automates previously human-exclusive tasks. This automation is expected to skyrocket productivity in white collar jobs, making home systems easy to operate and controllable remotely. 2017 is going to be a landmark year in terms of home automation.

Internet of Things:
Like 2016, Internet of Things is going to be huge in this year too. Internet of Things will continue to enhance the way to interact with things and connect with objects. Low-power and wide-area networks are expected to go live in 2017, which will extend the reach of IoT devices. These networks will be an alternative to short-range wireless technologies like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Thus, even hard to reach devices would also be able to be connected to the internet. Telecom operators will support low-bit-rate apps, enabling the embedding of more objects with chips and connecting them. Consequently, this infrastructure will facilitate running devices even in remote rural habitats amidst natural environments.
Digital world invading the physical world:
Mobile devices have revolutionized daily life, becoming ubiquitous. Smartphones grant access to endless information. Online shopping aids in purchasing products for physical pickup. Expect deeper integrations between digital and physical realms. Amazon may expand into physical products, while Walmart adopts digital features.
Virtual and Augmented Reality:
The World has witnessed thousands of VR apps and games in 2016. Oculus Rift, a VR headset, received a positive response; Pokemon Go, an AR game, received an exploding number of downloads (over 100 million). Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality has really transformed the way humans are interacting with each other, devices and the environment we experience through such interactions. AR and VR technology are giving immersing experiences and is expanding beyond visual immersion.
The market for AR and VR is ready and we can expect to see VR and AR devices and apps taking off really well in 2017. Enterprises will be having ample opportunities to follow for targeted applications in 2017.
Everything on Demand:
Brands like Uber and the resulting madness of startups are building everything on the basis of Uberification. On-demand apps connect consumers with service providers. Today there is Uber kind of model for every other service. In 2017, we expect this to see this develop even further. We have thousands of apps for rides, food deliveries, and lodging, but soon we’ll see this evolve into even stranger territory.
Krify is a multinational mobile, wearable and web app development company based in India and UK. We provide IT solutions and services to help business automate their processes and upgrade to achieve bigger business growth. Our core competency include mobile apps, wearable apps, web apps and enterprise apps. Contact today for all your IT needs.