Wearable Computing is the future

One of the most exciting trends in the future technology space is Wearable computing. It is largely considered to be an evolution of the smartphone. The future of wearable computers is very promising. It is more powerful than Glass, and Even More useful. However, Today wearable computing must be described as “a very exciting field very much in its infancy” and the future of it is absolutely immense.

The main motive of wearable computing is to develop new interfaces that modify non-computing activities. The wearable computing evolved three factors: minimization of computing gadget size and at the same time, increasing the computational power, helping increased mobility of people and increasing personalization.

Wearable Computing goes Mainstream – Consumers are already using

  • Smart watches
  • Pebble glasses
  • Wristbands
  • Google glasses

Wearable Computing


Some of its Characteristics

  • Portable while operational
  • Hands-free use
  • Sensors
  • Run continuously
  • Always active
  • Attention getting

Why is Wearable Computing the Future ?

Wearable Computing is a booming market. The future of wearable computing is looking up. It is going to be the evolution of smart phones. It will fundamentally improve the quality of our lives from the big screen into real life. It becomes more common over the next decade mainstream devices.

In the future, all the new expedited maintenance system revolves around the incorporation of wearable computing. It will enable people to work, connect, compute more efficiently.

We at Krify, are exploring the wearable computing opportunities in different domains. We really love to write apps & piece of code for Upcoming new generation products.

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