“#” is a symbol used to represent the HASHTAG, Everyone has a question now what is a hashtag and what does it mean?
Hashtag is a simple phrase of content used to label the simple group of things with a symbol “#” in front of phrase.
Twitter Hashtags are more popular now a days. For an instance! If we are posting a Social Media Post as App Developers we love to organize all mobile app related content posts with one phrase #MobileApp.
One of our tweet is shown as follows.
Whooping growth in #mobileappusage. #MobileApp usage grew 58% in 2015. https://t.co/V0YbX8Spe3 pic.twitter.com/CUmvqGH0IR
— Krify (@krifysoftware) March 8, 2016
As you see in this tweet we given a phrase “#MobileApp”. Where If any one searches with word “mobileapp” obviously all the results shown first are using the #hashtag followed by “#mobileapp” as a special page of search results.
How Hashtag came up?
Hashtag was came under microblogging. It defined as “Medium of exchanging similar data elements or messages in order as smaller content to found easily”
Things to keep in mind to choose a hashtag?
Making Hashtag was pretty simple by considering few points as follows.
- Brush up first before choosing a word or phrase about how accurate it is and how people used to search the word.
- Be generic when selecting a hash tag phrase or word.
- Don’t use space when dealing with different words. Either you can use Underscore “_” in between two words.
- Make sure you that there is no difference of using caps or small letters.
- When you done with word or phrase selection start typing in social medium with #FllowedByWord.
Few Hashtag words are like #Mobile_Apps #MobileAppDevelopers #MobileAppsDevelopers #iPhone #iPhoneAppDevelopers
Benefits of Hashtags
Acquaintance: You can robotically get attention from social media users around the world for social media searches.
Marking: You may become a brand ambassador someday for a tag followed by users seeking your content or services.
Bull: Your post reach faster and many people with proper hashtag use in content postings.
Efficient way of using Hashtag to get more traffic
Hit hashtags: Individuals may lose interest faster than we think. So keep twig to one – three hashtags significant to purpose.
Damaged hashtags: Labeling #all #new #word is like #puzzling to readers. Like I given so keep hang on unique targeted words
Run-on hashtags: Keep hashtags small and honeyed like no more than a combination of three words. Otherwise, they confuse and become difficult to read.
#FollowToTail: Promoting to people by follows and likes panaches your important viewers with what we want to do exactly in the opposite. So keep include them in your posts!

Krify has a expert digital marketing team and mobile, web, mobile apps development teams. We use technology to make things happen contact us now !
#role of #Hashtags in #SocialMediaMarketing for 2016…