selenium automation testing services

Selenium Automation Testing Company India

Automation Functional testing is important for customers looking to create a device or app that gives consumers a positive first impression without affecting their usability. We use Selenium automation testing services and Automated Testing Services to create a lasting impact on customers and drive buyers. This test complements the agile growth of today’s apps and aims to save operating costs, expand test scope, and maximize user loyalty quicker and more time-to-market.

Open-source automation testing tools provide an edge over proprietary tools with affordable features and without costly licensing costs, where budget testing is necessary. Selenium is the most often used open-source test automation tool for automated web application testing in the modern world.

Selenium is a collection of various technological tools that help test automation with a particular approach. The main characteristics of this research framework for automation are its support for running tests on many web browsers. There has been an increase in demand for test services for automation; at Krify, our testing team provides Selenium Automation Testing services to verify and reuse these scripts in automatic test frameworks.

Best features of Selenium Automation testing

Some of the features of Selenium Automation testing are as follows:

1.Open Source:

Selenium is a web testing framework open source and portable. It can be renovated according to the needs of the project. Predefined classes and functions become more versatile as a result. The easy development of test scripts to verify the features has made Selenium the most dependable web automation platform.


In comparison with other test automation systems of the same class, Selenium embraces a wide range of frameworks. When integrating (e.g., TestNG, JUnit) with Selenium, testers execute other constructs through test management and test control activities (dependencies, grouping, etc.). This enhances versatility and adaptability in automation production and maintenance.

3.Platform Support:

Once we create test files, we can run them on some other functioning machine. For example, if we build Selenium scripts on Windows, we can execute the same scripts on other platforms such as Mac or Linux. This allows QA Engineers/Testers to write scripts without having to worry about the platform quickly.

4.Supports Multiple Browsers:

Chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Edge, Opera, Safari, etc. Test scripts can be created and executed without modifications in the script in these browsers. This ensures the scripts for each window cannot be rewriting for all browsers with the aid of browser drivers.

5.Timely Updates:

Selenium has a spectacular view behind it. The Selenium group publishes patches and enhancements daily. Having a group ensures that these patches and enhancements are always installed and easy to comprehend. Various groups and vendors widely sponsor and acclaim Selenium. This shift has transformed Selenium into an Industry Standard Tool from just being an open-source tool.

6.Parallel test execution:

To save effort and time, we design automated tests. To decrease the time of running the test, we should run multiple test scripts in parallel.Using the Selenium Grid, we perform various scripts on remote devices. One of Selenium’s most important benefits is accessing Online Selenium Grids like Lambda Test, enabling us to access more than 2000 browser environments, simulations, and cross-browser testing.
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Selenium Automation Testing Services

Our Selenium Automation testing services include:

1.Automated Regression Testing

We provide automated regression testing for mobile apps, web servers, and APIs via re-running scripts to reach consistency.

2.Testing Application Strategically

We design a method of automation that depends on the stage of app creation, infrastructure research, and difficulties to understand.

3.Functional Test Automation

Hire Selenium testers who, with great specificity and precision, check and confirm functionalities for various conditions.

4.Consultation for Selenium Testing

Hire Selenium testers who, with great specificity and precision, check and confirm functionalities for various conditions.

5.Testing Report Generation

Hire our testers of Selenium who use the Extension API to provide routine or immersive test reports to resolve bugs as quickly as possible.


Selenium is a full range of automated testing solutions, which companies worldwide have begun to use to analyze the easiest and most complex software applications. Selenium is one of the best software research platforms for the IT industry, thanks to its many advantages and easy-to-use interface.

At Krify, we have a team of professionals who are well-versed in software testing. If you are looking for the best selenium testing company in India, you are on the right page. For more information, contact us.

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