Reasons to choose Angular JS for Website Development

Reasons to Choose Angular JS for Web Development

Angular JS is one of the most powerful frameworks available for web development, allowing you to create dynamic and interactive websites. It also allows you to extend HTML’s vocabulary so that you can create your custom tags (directives) easily. The rise of JavaScript libraries has made it easier for developers to build dynamic websites and mobile apps with ease. Angular JS is one such tool that allows you to create well-structured, maintainable web applications in a fraction of the time compared to other frameworks. It uses HTML as its template language, which makes it easy for both non-programmers and programmers alike to work on projects using this framework. 

Reasons for choosing Angular JS for Web Development

The following are some of the reasons why Angular JS is the ideal approach to go when developing your next web application or website.

1. Interactive User Interface Development:

AngularJS is one of the most powerful and customizable UI frameworks. It has some highly interactive components, which can be used to make your web app stand out from others in style as well as ease-of-use; it also makes lightweight development possible for clients. If you’re looking at hiring someone who specializes in this language – don’t hesitate because there are many benefits worth taking advantage of right away: not only will they provide creative ideas that suit what YOU want rather than just random guesswork but their skillset should help further enhance how quickly things get done too.

2. Easy to Use:

AngularJS is popular and easy to work with the framework. It requires less coding than other JS frameworks, which saves time for expert developers who are working on your web app’s development process. By supporting MVC architecture (model-view-controller), Angular experts don’t need getter/setter functions in order to apply data models – saving more space when programming.

3. Code Reusability:

The most important feature of AngularJS is its code reusability. This framework allows developers to reuse the previously written parts very efficiently, saving them time and effort so development on web apps becomes faster as well. Customization or modification can be rapidly introduced by introducing only necessary changes in your app’s source code; our experts will help you get it done quickly.

4. Declarative and Less Coding:

Angular JS is a powerful and easy-to-use web development framework that eliminates the need for tedious coding. It features two-way data binding, which means there’s no more copy/paste work in your scripts to make them dynamic, you can simply change what information should display on the screen. With this type of programmability, Angular makes building websites easier than ever before

Web developers

5. MVC Architecture:

It’s no wonder why companies like Google, Microsoft & Facebook use Angular JS to power their websites. Angular JS has a powerful MVC architecture and it’s perfect for creating dynamic, single-page applications. The MVC design pattern in AngularJS enables developers to easily separate application logic from presentation markup, resulting in cleaner templates that are easier to understand and maintain.

6. Large Community Support:

Angular JS is an open-source JavaScript framework that is specifically designed for web development. It has large community support and all the latest updates are available on its official website. With over 1 million members on the official Google+ community and nearly 2 million registered users on StackOverflow.

7. Two Way Data Binding:

Angular JS has two-way data binding, which means the data will automatically update when it changes on either side. Developers can spend less time creating code and more time building their product or service as a result. It also makes testing easier by making your code more readable.

8. High in Performance:

The use of AngularJS has a number of benefits such as high performance, reduced code complexity, improved testability, etc. These factors make it ideal for building complex interfaces quickly with less effort. Some key features include data binding support, modularity through components, directives, etc., dependency injection mechanism which simplifies the process of unit testing the application among others.


Krify is a professional AngularJS development company that specializes in modern web solutions. We have the expertise to create beautiful, interactive websites for your business and we’re committed to providing you with high-quality service. To learn more about how our team can make your website dreams come true, contact us today

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