How to Secure WordPress Website from Hackers

How to Secure WordPress Website from Hackers

WordPress powers almost one-third of the websites of the world, which enables users to create unique and fully-featured websites and complex sites using just a browser. It’s one of the best website developers and CMS users can download and deploy it for free. It has emerged as a reliable web development solution for many professional websites and e-commerce stores since its inception. And it continues to be the most robust website even now. Security plays a vital role. The growing popularity of WordPress sites created more interest in hackers also. 

Most common vulnerabilities and security issues in WordPress:

  1. Brute Force attacks:

    It refers to the trial and entering multiple times incorrect password and username combinations until a successful variety is discovered. This method exploits the simplest way to get access to your website. 

  2. SQL Injection

    : As WordPress uses MySQL database to operate with, a hacker can simply use SQL injection to create a new admin user account that can be used as login credentials and gives access to the website. 

  3. Malware:

    Malicious code is injected to gain unauthorised access to the website to extract sensitive information. Usually, the inserted malicious code might go unnoticed due to its discrete nature.

Most common Malware injections for WordPress are:

  • Backdoors
  • Drive-by downloads 
  • Pharma hacks 
  • Malicious redirects 
  • Cross-site scripting:

    The significant security vulnerabilities on the internet are cross-site scripting or XSS attacks; these are mainly found in WordPress plugins. In this attack hacker loads, a malware javascript code which affects the user experience redirecting to malicious sites.

  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS):

    It is carried out using single-source even though the assault is carried out through multiple machines. Millions are wasted because of this notorious website attack.

  • Old WordPress and PHP versions:

    outdated versions or old WordPress versions are more prone to get affected by a security threat. Because the hackers seek a way to exploit the core and ultimately execute the attack on sites still using old versions.

Steps to secure WordPress website from Hackers :

Strong passwords:

Many websites are hacked, as hackers use brute force attack in the admin area. If you use a weak password then significantly, the risk increases. Use a password manager encrypted tool which saves your website passwords. 

  • Few tools are
  • Lastpass
  • Dashlane
  • Keeper security 

Update your plugins and themes:

 update your site security settings and WordPress core. 

Most software updates discover security risks after release. If you are still in the old version and using a poorly coded theme, then you are leaving your back door open. Don’t set up too many plugins. Ensure the plugins you are installing in your WordPress website are safe and free from malware

Site Access restriction:

Enable two-factor authentication in your site. Give site access only to a few. More logins may also increase the threat.

Website Firewall:

it creates a forcefield.  If you couldn’t update, plugins website firewalls can keep your website secure. It filters out hacking attempts.

Advantages of a website firewall:

  • Bots are blocked before they reach your website.
  • Malware injections are prevented from injecting. 
  • Your site will run fastly and effectively. 
  • It secures from brute force attacks.

Site Backups:

it may not secure your website, but if you have an operational site, then you can restore your site data. 

 Some plugins for backup:

  • Updraftplus
  • Blogvault
  • Backup Buddy 

Login Attempts:

Limit login attempts as the login screen on WordPress is vulnerable. A strong password will prevent brute force attempts. If you limit login attempts after certain attempts, you will receive an alert of the user and their IP address.

WordPress Security Plugin:

Install WordPress plugins they scan malware and built-in firewall protection. They also protect the login screen. They even alert plugin and themes updates. 

Here are a few WordPress security plugins:

  • Wordfence
  • Malcare
  • Vaultpress
  • iThemes security pro
  • BulletProof Security 

Web developers


A website is known to be completely secure only if identifying the vulnerabilities and trying to fix those vulnerabilities with proper precautions. A smart business owner identifies and understands about the website security in order to avoid future attacks over the website.

We at Krify have a team of highly skilled professionals who are well versed in the latest trends and technologies. Our developers are passionate and implement their skills, by acknowledging the requirements shared by the clients. If you want to learn more about website security services, you are on the right page. For more information, contact us.

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