On-demand nurse app development

How Much Does it Cost for the Development of On-demand Nurse App

Nurses are the real heroes who handle various situations in the healthcare industries ranging from a just born baby to a person on to death, and they take responsibility for everyone. Healthcare sectors are rapidly increasing to the digital industry to the user’s hands using the mobile apps which provide high-quality information. They provide more than 90% of the healthcare services to the patients. 

With this rise, dependence on smartphones has also come to rise in mobile apps. There are  2 million apps in the Apple store and 3.8 million in the Android Play Store. The mobile nurse app provided today helps patients to retrieve and communicate patient information at that point of care. With the advancement of a mobile app, nurses can instantaneously record information on nurse mobile app as they are checking vitals or assess patients which helps to minimize documentation errors. Also, there are speech recognition based abilities for hand-free patient information recording into the electronic health record system. 

How to use an on-demand nurse app?

  • Download the on-demand nurse app 
  • Sign up to the app with social media account or with personal mail id
  • Pick your service and provide your location
  • In a few minutes, a professional nurse will reach you on the registered mobile number
  • Once service is done, make payment by cash or card.
  • Based on the service received, you can write a review or feedback. 

Why is on-demand nurse mobile app essential?

  • Assist patients: Using nurse mobile app nurses help patients with their health-related issues, but they also help them with many services and help them with their activities with full dedication.
  • Expert healthcare providers: Nurses are not just for the sake of salary; they have a vast knowledge of health-related issues. They are well-aware of all types of health-related issues from gynaecology to oncology. Their dedication and compassion for performing different healthcare activities are how brave they have.  
  • Long working hours: Even though they have long working hours, they never show tiredness on their face.
  • Expert treatment: Most of the doctors are busy with their meetings, preparing charts and their research work. So they don’t have enough time to take care of their patients. Here the nurses play a vital role in taking care of their patients, recommend, advise and help the patients when and wherever they require. They give a proper treatment plan for the patients. 

From the above points mentioned, it was clear that the mobile app for the nurse helps the patients. They can call the nurse to their location to provide the necessary treatment for those who are in an emergency or for those who require nurse service daily or weekly.

Mobile app service

Basic feature of on-demand nurse mobile app

There are three stakeholders in the on-demand nurse mobile app.

  • Patient app
  • Nurse app
  • Admin panel
Patient app:

Using the patient app, the patient can book the nurse by adding the location in the app. Let’s check the features:

  • Sign up or register:

    The patient or user must register with the social media account or with their personal mail id along with the phone number.

  • Create a profile:

    The patient once logged in to the app, he then can fill all the details like name, location, user health information, etc. 

  • Map integration:

    The patient can view all the nurses who are near his location. 

  • List of nurses:

    The patient can view all the available nurses  in the app screen

  • View details:

    The patient or user can see all the details of the nurse like working experience, type of service the nurse provides.

  • Choose the nurse:

    The patient can choose the nurse from the list.

  • Send request:

    The user once chosen the nurse and selects, the request will be sent to that particular nurse. 

  • Chat:

    The nurse can chat with the user

  • Push Notification: The user will get the notifications once the nurse accepts the request. 
  • Payment method:

    The payment can be made once the service was done either on payment through card or cash. 

  • Rate and review:

    The user based on the service will give rating and review to the nurse. 

Nurse app: Using the nurse app, the nurse can check the request to provide service to the user.

  • Sign up:

    The nurse will sign up either with the social media account or with their personal email id along with phone number.

  • Create profile:

    The nurse here will fill all the details like name, phone number, experience and other related information.

  • View earning:

    The nurse can view all the earning he got.

  • View history:

    The nurse views all the previous request that he got from the users.

  • Map integration:

    The nurse can view all the address using the Map 

  • View Rate and Reviews:

    The nurse can view all the reviews and rates given by users

  • Accept or Reject request:

    The nurse can accept or reject the request basing on his availability. If approved, the notification will be sent to the user.

  • Chat: The nurse can chat with the user once the request was accepted.
  • Push notification:

    The user will get notifications about the app updates or other related information.

  • Add payment gateway:

    The nurse can add multiple payment gateway providers to make the payment easy.

Admin Panel:

Where the admin can all the activities of the users and nurses.

  • Login:

    The admin will log in using the credentials

  • Dashboard:

    The admin once get logged in will direct to the dashboard where he can view the statistics of the app usage. 

  • Manage users:

    The admin can manage all the users those are using the app

  • Manage nurses:

    The admin has the ability to manage all the nurses who are registered with the app. 

  • Push notifications:

    The admin will send the push notifications to the user and the nurse about the app updates. 

  • Fix commission:

    The admin will decide all the commission for the nurse basing on the experience and ratings.

Technology Stack used for the development of on-demand nurse app

  •  Swift, Java – Languages
  • XCode, Visual Studio – Editor
  • Alamofire – Network Request
  • Braintree, PayPal – Payment gateway
  • Google Map – Map
  • Facebook, Gmail – Social SDK

What are the factors that affect the cost of the development of nurse on-demand app?

Many factors affect the cost of the development of on-demand nurse app such as basic features, advanced features, Android or iOS platform, Technology stack. Even some factors affect the development cost for on-demand nurse app like App development team, Android app developers, iOS app developers, Web developers, QA team, App development company, Project manager. Based on the above factors, the cost estimation for the development of nurse on-demand app depends. 

Thinking about starting your own business which can help out in making a lot of profits and also assist the people then you can go with nurse on-demand app. It is a robust and credible app in the market.

Krify is the leading mobile app development company in India and the UK having a huge competency in developing the different on-demand apps for various domains. Contact us for more information. 

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