XAMPP vs WAMP – Which one to Choose from XAMPP vs WAMP?

Before going to the specifics of XAMPP vs WAMP, we need to answer an important question: What is the local development server? To get the answer to this question, we must know how websites operate and what happens in the backdrop when we visit a website. 

In general, there are two parts on a website, the frontend and the backend. When users try to access the website, where does that request go? The answer is Server, here the server acts as a Warehouse in a far off location where all its resources are stored safely. 

We know that it is essential to have some kind of storage area where you can host your website for which you require to rent a space for website hosting, which can be accessible to the general public, but there may be many issues, bugs, or any other problems. So a local development server can be able to solve all these problems.  

An easy to use local testing server is one of the essential tools in web development. Developing a Website on a local server lets you make changes to websites instantly and easily without transferring files anywhere. This can significantly reduce the risk of making breaking changes in the live Server. It acts as both client and Server without being connected to the internet to run the website.

XAMPP and WAMP are two different types of local development servers where you can create the environment of an actual webserver to run the website so developed, to test it, and move on to the deployment stage. Let’s check each of these local development servers individually.


What is XAMPP?

XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform Apache MariaDB PHP Perl. It is an open-source local web hosting server that is supported on Windows, Linux, and macOS. XAMPP is also free for download. Here are the components and their functions. 

  • Apache is the open-source web server software that supports and runs PHP as well as PERL. 
  • MySQL, such as MariaDB, is for content storage.
  • PHP is the programming language used for developing websites 

All together, these components form an integrated environment where developers can perform tasks such as:

  • Managing the Server and associated ports
  • Sustaining a database to store, fetch, or edit the user-related data for the website.
  • Writing Scripts for the websites to enable data exchange between the website and the database.

Pros of XAMPP

  • XAMPP is more comfortable to install
  • XAMPP is a cross-platform which mean it is available for Windows and Linux
  • Many other modules are available such as OpenSSL, MediaWiki, WordPress, and much more.
  • It is available in both full and standard versions.
  • The user can start and end the whole web server+ database stack with just one command.

Web developers

Cons of XAMPP

  • Configuration and settings are complicated when compared to a WAMP server. 


What is WAMP?

WAMP Stands for Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, which is built for Windows platform. WAMP is an open-source platform, just like XAMPP. Besides this, WAMP also uses the Apache web server, MySQL relational database management system, and PHP language. WAMP enables you to test dynamic websites on the local Server without making it live. WAMP is even available for both 32 and 64-bit systems. 

Pros of WAMP

  • Configuration change is effortless in WAMP
  • WAMP makes it easy to code PHP and creating databases in the Windows platform.
  • WAMP is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit system

Cons of WAMP

  • It is not easy to install as XAMPP.

Comparison of features between XAMPP vs WAMP


  • XAMPP supported by several platforms such as Windows, Linux, and macOS
  • It has numerous modules and extensions.
  • XAMPP has very fewer prerequisites for installation and configuration 
  • Easy to use with a simple interface
  • It is composed of Apache, MariaDB, PHP, and PERL.


  • Supported by Windows
  • Features Apache, MySQL, and PHP
  • It has modules supported on Windows
  • It’s an open-source
  • It is straightforward to use

A Detailed Comparison of XAMPP vs WAMP

  • Support: XAMPP supports both PHP and PERL, whereas WAMP supports the only PHP.
  • Platform: XAMPP is a cross-platform stack that can run on Windows, Linux, macOS while WAMP runs only on Windows OS.
  • Size: The size of XAMPP is lighter than WAMP; the size of XAMPP is 160 MB, whereas the size of WAMP is 300.6 MB.
  • Module Extensions: XAMPP has numerous modules and programs, MariaDB, Filezilla, Mercury mail, and so on, whereas WAMP has fewer modules and programs that include MYSQL.
  •  Ease of use: XAMPP has a better interface with the start button, whereas WAMP is not easy to use.

Conclusion: Which is the best one to choose XAMPP vs WAMP?

It’s time to figure out the best one from XAMPP and WAMP. Both XAMPP and WAMP are the most efficient local development servers you can rely on. Both come with their own advantages. The developers can find both tools useful and can test their website locally before making it live. 

If you are multiple programming language developers, then XAMPP is a great choice primarily when you work with an OS other than the Windows OS. However, considering the robust cross-platform features that XAMPP offers, it can be a great option. 

Krify is the leading website development company based in India and UK, having expertise web developers who use XAMPP local Server for testing their website development. 

If you are looking for website development for your business, please consult us for 30 minutes to get your idea to reality. Contact us for more information. 

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