Python and its advantages

What is Python and Advantages of Python

What is Python:

Python is a language of interpretation, high level, and general-purpose. With its impressive use of a significant white space, Python designs emphasize code readability. Its language structure and object-oriented approach were designed to allow programmers to build simple, logical code for large and small projects.

Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured (especially procedural), object-oriented and functional programming. It supports many programs. Python’s vast standard library is also called “batteries included” language. To understand the Python programming language in a brief we need to understand Python’s advantages. 

Advantages of Python:

Python has numerous applications, for example in games, web frameworks and apps, language development, prototyping, graphic design applications, etc, in software development companies. This offers a wider variety of languages than other languages used in the industry. Let’s dive deeper and understand Python’s advantages.

  1. Easy Syntax:

    The syntax of Python is easy because it will be like general English. This simplifies the reading and understanding of the code. This is the main reason so many people are recommending Python for beginners. In comparison with other programming languages like C/C++ or Java, you need less lines of code in Python and also it will take very little time to learn.

  2. High-Level Language:

    Python, being a high-level language makes the work of programmers easy. It appears to be like a human language that could be understood easily, rather than a low-level language. Python allows you to program more quickly than you do with a low-level language.

  3. Object-oriented Programming language:

    Object-oriented programming language helps you to create re-usable data structures, which helps in reducing the amount of work that should be performed repeatedly. Additionally, the design of almost every non-trivial software can use object-oriented techniques and incorporate them in almost any programming or scripting language. Nowadays, most developers are using Python as it makes their work easy.

  4. Interpreted Language:

    Python is an interpreted language, which means that Python executes code line by line directly. If the error occurs, the execution stops, and the error that occurred is registered. Even if the program has several bugs, Python will display just one bug. This facilitates debugging and makes it easy.

  5. Cross-platform:

    Every programming language can not be compatible with all the platforms. If you are using C or C++ for writing a program, then you need to change the code depending upon the platform. Python will run on all big Operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X with the same code.

  6. Free and Open-Source:

    Python is open-source as well as free. Pre-made binaries that are freely available to be used on all major operating systems called CPython are distributed by the Python Software Foundation. CPython’s source code can also be downloaded. In addition, you can change the CPython license source and distribute it as permitted.

  7. Widely Supported:

    Python has an active community that provides a wide range of well-known and supportive websites, mailing lists, and USENET ‘netnews’ groups that attract a large number of helpful and informative contributions.

  8. Extensible:

    In addition to the regular libraries, there are several complementary modules, libraries, frameworks, and tool kits that are freely available. These usually follow similar requirements and conventions. For example, virtually all database adapters meet Python DB API and can therefore be accessed mainly using the same code. Thus it is also simple for a database engine to change a program named Python.

  9. Dynamically Typed:

    Until and unless we execute the code, Python does not know the variable type. During the execution time, the data type will be automatically allocated. The programmer, therefore, doesn’t have to think about declarations of variables and data types.

  10. Libraries Support:

    The Python standard library is massive and nearly all the functions required for your task can be found. Therefore, you must not rely on outside libraries. But even if you do, a Python package manager enables importing great packages from the Python package index.

  11. Improved Productivity:

    Python is a language that is very productive. Since Python is easy, developers can concentrate on solving the problem. They may not have to take too long to learn the programming language syntax or behavior. You write less code and you do more. So, it will increase the productivity of work.

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