websites build in using angularjs

Top 10 Websites Built using AngularJS

Google developed AngularJS, an open-source framework. It can create all the interactive elements found on a website. The primary aim is to develop single-page applications. It affirms code quality and testability, which is one of the main reasons many Angular web developers prefer this. Few popular websites and apps which use AngularJS are Paypal, Snapchat, Udemy, Gmail, Netflix etc. JavaScript is a vigorous technology. Among the JS frameworks, AngularJS has gained good recognition. Additionally, websites build in using angularjs showcase the framework’s prowess in delivering dynamic and responsive user experiences.

Websites Developed Using AngularJS Framework:

Paypal Community:

PayPal launched in 1998. It remains one of the prominent and credible payment methods even today. The PayPal community, launched in 2009, now boasts more than 3.5 million users. Through PayPal, community members can share their inspirations, passions, experiences, and much more.

Many Google services develop using AngularJS because it’s an official Google stack. This includes Google Store, the homepage of G Suite, Google AI, the Google Ads homepage, and more., a very popular Google service, is built using AngularJS.


It has come a long way. Lego has made its path straight into hearts through their unique toys. The franchise keeps everyone entertained with movies, Legoland parks, comic books and many. This page almost draws 19 million visitors attention every month.


The company launched its website website in 1996. Now the platforms are using angular 5.2.0 with Backbone JS, core JS and Light JS AS combination. This site provides a seamless experience for users. 

Istock Photo:

It’s an online portal, global microstock photography provider managing the micropayments business model. It offers numerous photographs, illustrations, clip arts, videos and audio tracks.


It’s a popular American airlines portal. The existing version of this website uses AngularJS.


One of the famous ott platforms. It’s an American MNC entertainment company. Netflix offers streaming media and on demand videos online and DVD by mail.


The best way to describe about Autodesk is that it generates software for people who make things. It was launched in 1982 initially. Autodesk offers 3 packages that are customisable. This uses angular JS for the landing page along with a few other libraries and frameworks.
Web developers


It’s one of the most crowding platforms like no other. It gives the opportunity to many entrepreneurs and inventors to present their views, ideas, to users. It was launched in 2008. This platform is based on Angular JS combined with ruby on rails and other frontend javascript framework and libraries 


It’s an online global leading workplace where compassionate business and professional service providers go to work. 


Krify is renowned for designing comprehensive mobile and web applications with technical expertise. With our professional, successful developers, we deliver our best software and web creation services to implement perfect outcomes based on the needs of our clients. We are happy to assist you if you’re interested in creating a website using AngularJS. Contact us for more information.

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