Optimizing Large File Uploads to AWS S3

Optimizing Large File Uploads to AWS S3: Options, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Uploading large files efficiently to AWS S3, particularly when handling video files or sizable assets, presents significant challenges. This article delves into different methods for Optimizing Large File Uploads to AWS S3, shedding light on their respective advantages and disadvantages. By comprehensively understanding these options, backend development teams can discern and adopt the most suitable approach tailored to their specific requirements.

Different Methods for Uploading Large Files to AWS S3:


1. Single PUT Request

A single PUT request uploads the entire file to S3 in one go. This is the simplest method, suitable for small files.

Advantages of Single PUT Request:

  • Simplicity: Easy to implement with minimal configuration.
  • Single Request:  Requiring only one HTTP request reduces the complexity of the upload process.

Disadvantages of Single PUT Request:

  • Limited by Size: Not suitable for large files due to potential timeouts and memory usage.
  • No Parallelism: Cannot take advantage of parallel uploads, leading to slower uploads for large files.
  • Error Handling: If the upload fails, the entire file must be re-uploaded.

Use Case of Single PUT Request:

  • Prioritize simplicity and ease of implementation for small files (e.g., less than 10 MB).

2. Multipart Upload

Multipart upload splits the file into smaller parts and uploads each part individually. AWS S3 then assembles the parts into a single object.

Advantages of Multipart Upload:

  • Parallel Uploads: Parts can be uploaded concurrently, speeding up the overall process.
  • Error Recovery: Failed parts can be re-uploaded without restarting the entire process.
  • Resilience: Suitable for very large files (up to 5 TB).

Disadvantages of Multipart Upload:

  • Complexity: Requires additional logic to manage multipart uploads and handle part completion.
  • Resource Intensive: More complex error handling and potentially higher memory usage for managing parts.

Use Case of Multipart Upload:

  • Large files (e.g., over 100 MB) where upload speed and reliability are critical.

3. Parallel Multipart Upload with CURL Multi

This approach uses CURL’s multi interface to handle multipart uploads in parallel, combining the advantages of both multipart uploads and parallelism.

Advantages of Parallel Multipart Upload with CURL Multi :

  • Increased Speed: Significantly reduces upload time by uploading parts concurrently.
  • Efficient Resource Use: Better utilization of network and CPU resources.
  • Flexibility: Can adjust the number of parallel uploads and part sizes to optimize performance.

Disadvantages of Parallel Multipart Upload with CURL Multi :

  • Complexity: More complex to implement and manage CURL multi handles.
  • Resource Management: Requires careful management of CURL handles and resources.

Use Case of Parallel Multipart Upload with CURL Multi :

  • Very large files (e.g., over 200 MB) where maximum upload speed and efficiency are required.


Each upload method has its own strengths and is suitable for different scenarios. For small files, a single PUT request is sufficient. For larger files, multipart uploads provide resilience and efficiency, while parallel multipart uploads using CURL multi offer the best performance for very large files. By choosing the appropriate method based on file size and performance requirements, you can optimize your file upload process to AWS S3. Contact us if you need any help with uploading large files to AWS S3,

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