How Implementing SEO Strategies Boosted Website Traffic by 150%

SEO Strategy: 150% Increase in Website Traffic

 The Challenge

A mid-sized e-commerce company struggled with stagnant web traffic and low search engine rankings. Despite a robust product lineup and a user-friendly website, their online visibility remained minimal. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive SEO strategy, they aimed to enhance their digital presence and drive more organic traffic.

Initial Assessment

The first step involved conducting a thorough website audit, evaluating existing content, technical SEO aspects, keyword utilization, backlink profile, and overall site performance. Key issues identified included:

  • Poor keyword optimization
  • Lack of quality backlinks
  • Slow page loading times
  • Inadequate mobile optimization
  • Absence of structured data

Keyword Research and Optimization

A comprehensive keyword research identified high-value, relevant keywords used by potential customers. Prioritizing long-tail keywords, which are often more specific and less competitive, the team optimized existing content by naturally incorporating these keywords into titles, meta descriptions, headers, and body text.

 Technical SEO Improvements

Several technical SEO enhancements improved the website’s performance and user experience. First, page speed optimization was achieved by compressing images, enabling browser caching, and reducing server response times. Furthermore, the website was made fully responsive, ensuring seamless browsing across all devices. Additionally, schema markup was added to help search engines understand the content better and increase the chances of appearing in rich snippets.

Content Strategy

A content strategy focused on creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content. Consequently, regularly publishing blog posts, articles, and infographics addressed common customer queries and provided value. This strategy not only attracted more visitors but also encouraged them to spend more time on the site, reducing bounce rates.

 Building Quality Backlinks

To build high-quality backlinks from reputable industry websites, efforts involved guest blogging, collaborations, and engaging with influencers. A strong backlink profile, therefore, boosted the site’s authority and improved its search engine rankings.

Monitoring and Adjusting

Continuous monitoring of SEO strategy performance using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console identified effective tactics and areas needing adjustment. Regular reports, thus, tracked progress and informed data-driven decisions.

 The Results

Within six months of implementing these comprehensive SEO strategies, the e-commerce company experienced a remarkable 150% increase in website traffic. Key achievements included:

  • A significant rise in organic search traffic
  • Higher search engine rankings for targeted keywords
  • Increased average session duration and reduced bounce rate
  • Enhanced user experience leading to better customer engagement


Implementing a well-rounded SEO strategy can drastically improve your website’s visibility, drive more organic traffic, and ultimately boost your business’s bottom line. For tailored SEO solutions that can transform your online presence, contact Krify today.

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