eBook Application Development Features

eBook Application Development Features

eBooks are widely used and increasingly popular. Everyone prefers eBooks over printed papers due to convenience. The demand for eBook application development features is high, as they provide content at fingertips. Developing a successful eBook app differs significantly from standard app development.

Top 5  features to consider for eBook app development

Before starting development, understanding the essential features for app success proves highly beneficial. Here are some important features that play a major role in the success of the ebook app.

List of books available

The user needs to have an idea about the books available in the app. The listing of the available books can make it easy for the app users to go through it and know if the app has the book which the user is looking for. The categorization of the genre should be clear and the process of selecting the books should be detailed.

Adding books to favorite

User may find it difficult to search for a particular book every time when they open the app. So while developing an ebook app keep in mind to include the feature where the user can mark his favorite book offline so that the books will be available on-demand whenever they need.

Reading tools

Integration of additional reading tools like an in-built dictionary, bookmarking, etc in the ebook app development can greatly enhance the user experience while using the app. Also, it would be an add-on if the user can mark some part of the book as a favorite. Many ebooks have already implemented the features like searching a specific passage by giving the related words it contains.

Search bar

Instead of making the user scroll through all the books till he finds the required one, it would be helpful if you have a search bar that allows the user to search for the book and get it immediately. Also, it helps the user to get the required book by showing the related books in the search suggestions.

Social Integration

Promoting apps on social media is crucial for increasing visibility, reaching more people, and potentially boosting clicks and downloads. As most people use social media, you can make your app online visibility through social media with less effort.

For the development of ebook app, it is necessary that you include the above-mentioned features, If you have an idea for ebook app development, Krify is here to help you with the development of the ebook app with trending features.

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