How Much Does it Cost for the Development of Food Delivery App like Munchery

How Much Does it Cost for the Development of Food Delivery App like Munchery

Hungry? Never bother how busy someone is; one should never skip a meal because of the busy schedule. Want to have a palatable meal but not willing to go to a restaurant? Just too busy to go out? This is not a big issue now. There are hundreds of on-demand food delivery app like Munchery that lets the customers order food online making sure they don’t want to miss meals, especially when they are too busy to cook. The food business rocks! The online food delivery app saga has mesmerised everyone with the concept of instant gratification providing all kinds of dishes that can satisfy the expectations of even the most meticulous eaters. 

On-demand food delivery startup like Munchery app dispatching cooked supers to customers at their doorstep in critical in urban communities of USA. According to Survey the frequency of ordering meals that held in the US was about 26% of people order once a week, 24% order two or thrice a week and 8% order four or even six times a week and only 2% never order takeaways. Moreover, the same percentage of people order it daily. 

Food ordering app like Munchery

The statistics show that the number of people ordering food is growing steadily. It sounds pretty promising for those who are thinking of launching their on-demand delivery business. 

In this blog, let’s see from where to start and what should one take into account? From this, we can try to answer this question by analysing the ways young beginners can enter the market, evaluating the significant types of food delivery apps and their typical features. Even we go through the tips that make your on-demand food delivery app like Munchery. 

Top on-demand food delivery app like Munchery

  • Plated
  • Postmates
  • Sprig

Types of food delivery apps

There are four types of on-demand food delivery apps basing on what and how they supply:

  • Third-party delivery from restaurants: Many apps offer a wide choice of meals for order from different restaurants by enabling their shipment to all kinds of places such as offices, homes or any places.
  • Combination of delivery and home cooking: This is the new type of food delivery applications keeps the new spin on the industry. In this type of food delivery app, it will provide the user with the recipes in which the user will be delivered with all the ingredients that you need together with step by step instructions of how to prepare the selected dish. The best example of this type of food delivery app is Blue Apron. 
  • Delivery meals, cooked locally/local delivery: Restaurants and startups like Munchery, Sprig will come under this type of food delivery app which cook and sell their own dishes. One way typical local food delivery app offers its users a narrow range of choice. And another way, such services usually deliver much faster at a lower price.

Business model canvas for Food delivery app like Munchery

There are four stages of how food delivery app like Munchery functions:

  • Culinary specialists plan dinners in Munchery’s kitchen
  • These dinners are registered on the online stage alongside culinary specialist data
  • Clients organise dinners and pay online
  • Dinners are then dispatched to clients by conveyance people

How on-demand food delivery app like Munchery earns revenue?

On-demand food delivery app like Munchery gains proficient specialists to cook dinners and after that dispatches these suppers to clients using this food delivery mobile and web app. The business and income model of food ordering app like Munchery is by all accounts that have great deals include:

  • Kitchen space rent or lease
  • Instalments to  gourmets specialists
  • Instalments to conveyance people
  • The basic needs and other crude materials for suppers
Striking features of Munchery
  • Proficient culinary specialists make all dinners. 
  • This type of food delivery app like Munchery has contracted workforce to convey the dinners
  • Menu renews evolving every day
  • Even this food ordering and delivery app like Munchery has gluten-free dinner and even uncommon suppers for kids 
  • Expert Connoisseur can set their own menu and appraise by clients.
Value Propositions of food delivery app like Munchery
  • Own kitchens
  • Visiting big names gourmet specialists
  • Experienced occupant gourmet specialists
  • Part-time workforce for conveyances
  • Daily changing menu

Free consultation for mobile app

Munchery similar app business model

In general, Food delivery app, like Munchery has three client portions. Three client fragments accompany this food ordering app:


  • The user can have an app from which they can choose the food items from the menu and place an order.
  • The user can pay online for the order.
  • The user can rate the food, Connoisseur and the quality of their suppers.
  • The user can choose a particular time and date to deliver the order.

Connoisseur expert:

  • Connoisseur specialists can make their own particular menu.
  • Have an option to fill in as an occupant cook or naturally low maintenance.
  • Food ordering app like Munchery provides a great acknowledgement to its Connoisseur experts.

Delivery persons:

  • Food ordering app like Munchery has low subsistence conveyance people who work at night hours and convey suppers to clients. 

What are the key issues and solutions that food ordering app like Munchery facing?

Here are some of the essential issues being confronted by a food ordering app like Munchery: 

Chef Retention: Conveying dinners cooked for an organisation by proficient gourmet specialists is necessary for them to hold the best cooks.
Solution: This issue was handled very proficiently by Munchery similar app by offering acknowledgement to gourmet experts and the versatility to set up their own distinct dinners.

On-time delivery: Meal delivery in time is a must thing so as to make the client glad. It is essential to deliver the order on guaranteed time to the users. Munchery similar app has aced on-time delivery for supper time. Dinners are set up by night and sent to different city zones for deliveries.
Solution: From any place the client places the Munchery feast, the nearest conveyance folks gets a warning and delivers dinner promptly. This has made food delivery app like Munchery dispatch dinners inside 20 to 25 minutes.

Most popular features of food delivery app like Munchery

  • Catalogue/menu:

    It is the main feature which makes the user choose the item easily. As it deals with different restaurants, they have sophisticated menus with different filters to find the dishes of a particular cuisine or a restaurant.

  • Online ordering:

    In this food delivery app like Munchery, the user can place the order, which is the best advantage fo this food delivery app. No need to call the restaurant to tell all your orders.  

  • Order tracking:

    Most of the users, after placing the order like to know the status of the delivery. Here in this Munchery similar app provides the user to track the food delivery. The user will get a notification if the order is ready when it leaves the restaurant and reaches the destination. Even there is real-time GPS tracking which lets the user check the way your food is coming to you. 

  • Geolocation:

    In this food delivery app like Munchery, there is a feature that uses geolocation function using which the app displays the menu differences for different areas and to calculate the dispatch time and fee.

  • Loyalty programs:

    The admin can conduct some loyalty programs which helps to retain users. There are some common options which offer a certain percentage of discounts to people ordering total or have a vast number of deliveries, Vouchers on special occasions that have codes for in-app use and provides a cash discount or some goods for free. Offering points for buying particular items or placing a new order which can be redeemed or exchanged to promotion items or get a discount. Special offers like happy hours discount or buy two get one free etc. 

  • Schedule delivery:

    The user can schedule the delivery of the food that he orders. The user can set the exact time of delivery of the items to get delivered. 

  • Online payments:

    In the food delivery apps like Munchery now come with the online payments, which allow the users to pay the amount using multiple payments gateway providers such as PayPal, Braintree, Stripe, etc. 

  • Push Notifications:

    This feature will notify the user about their order and also any offers or discounts. 

Desire to develop an on-demand food delivery app like Munchery

Before going for the development of a food ordering app like Munchery, let us see at the structure of an on-demand food delivery system:

  • Admin panel website
  • Apps for customers on Android and iOS 
  • Apps for the delivery person

It would be great if you have both the website and mobile apps for placing the order. Food ordering app has three stakeholders:

  • User app: This app is mainly for users which concerns for placing the order and delivery aspects. Here the user has the option to choose the dishes, cuisines and eateries.
  • Service app: This is mainly for service operators to manage orders and restaurants to accept or decline orders, even they can renew the information on their current menus and prices. Here in these different parties are involved in the success of the food delivery app, such as:
  • Delivery boys: Having good food is not just enough for the success of any food apps. There must be in time delivery of the order to the user, which is the second essential thing in executing online food delivery business.
  • Partner restaurants: The first most thing to consider for the success of a food ordering app is the quality of the food. Choosing the right food points for the buyers are the primary source of the business income. 

How much does it cost for the development of online food ordering app like Munchery?

Every food ordering is unique, and the cost to develop each such app is different The cost for the development of online food ordering app like Munchery depends on many factors like features, advanced features, functionalities, food delivery app development company, Android and iOS platforms, time to build, team members involved in the project and many other factors. To get an estimation for the food delivery app like Munchery, you need to apply a simple formula:

Total cost of  food ordering app development = Estimated development hours * Hourly cost of developer’s.  


Thinking to start a food delivery app business, then this is the time. Food delivery apps are skyrocketing, but the market is still far from being saturated. 

So why wait? Just tap the doors of one of the best and top online food ordering app development companies which help you out with a bevy of features to make your app fortified enough to battle this market with a scrumptious user interface, and you are good to go. 

If you have such comparative thoughts and need to transform it into a business opportunity, sympathetically share your prerequisite with us at or on the off chance that you might want to know how much will your application cost then at that situation you can get a free quote beneath: Contact us.

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