AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud Detailed Comparison

AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud: Detailed Comparison

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, the choice between AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud is pivotal. Each platform offers a unique set of features, services, and pricing models, catering to diverse business requirements. AWS boasts a robust infrastructure and extensive service portfolio, Azure integrates seamlessly with Microsoft products, while Google Cloud emphasizes innovation and machine learning capabilities. Understanding the nuances among these giants empowers businesses to make informed decisions and leverage the full potential of cloud technology.


Amazon web service is a platform that offers flexible, firm, ascendable, and cost-effective cloud computing solutions. It is a comprehensive platform which is very easy to use provided by Amazon. It is developed with the aggregation of infrastructure, medium, and packaged software as services.

  • Aws enables organizations to use familiar programming models, operating systems, databases, and architectures.
  • It’s very cost-effective and allows you to pay only for what you use without long term commitments.
  • Save Money for maintaining data.
  • Quick deployments. 
  • Hassle-free add and remove capacity. 
  • Ease access to the cloud and limitless capacity. 
  • Hybrid capabilities. 
  • Centralized billing and management.


It is very appealing to various small and medium-sized businesses. Azure enables hassle-free to add or removes computing resources in minutes. It offers increased flexibility. It provides extensive, safe, efficient storage and security services in the cloud.

  • Azure enhances the business in an agile way.
  • It also reduces the need of the user to monitor the behaviour of the system.
  • It is the only cloud platform that provides Blockchain as a service and cognitive APIs capabilities. 
  • Its hybrid capabilities make it more unique.

Google Cloud:

It’s a suite of public cloud computing services offered by Google. It also includes a wide range of hosted services for computing, storage, and app development, which run on Google hardware. These services can be easily accessible by software developers, cloud administrators, and other IT professionals.

  • Google cloud services offer better pricing than competitors. 
  • It’s a private global fiber network. 
  • It allows Redundant Backups.
  • The loading time of the website will be reduced.
  • It delivers amendable improvements in a continuous stream.

Web developers

Differences between AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud:

App testing:

Aws: It Uses Device farm for app testing 

Azure: Uses Devtest labs for app testing.

Google Cloud: For app testing, google cloud Uses cloud test labs.

API Management:

Aws: It uses Amazon API gateway for API management 

Azure: Azure uses Azure API gateway for API management

Google Cloud: For API Management, it uses Cloud endpoints.

Git Repositories:

Aws: the Git Repositories used by Aws is Aws source.

Azure: whereas the Git Repositories Azure source.

Google Cloud: and google cloud use cloud sources as Git Repositories.

File storage:

Aws: for file storage, Aws uses EFS.

Azure: and azure uses azure files.

Google cloud: whereas google cloud uses ZFS and Avere.

Object storage:

Aws: used for object storage in Aws 

Azure: Azure uses Block Blobs and files.

Google cloud: while google cloud uses google cloud storage.

Block storage:

Aws: for block storage Aws usesEBS 

Azure: Page blobs are used as block storage for Azure 

Google cloud: Persistent disks


Aws: Aws

Azure: Azure

Google cloud: G suite

The Media services used by Aws, Azure, and Google cloud are:

Aws: Amazon elastic transcoder. 

Azure: Azure media services. 

Google Cloud: cloud video intelligence API.

Virtual network:

Aws: Aws uses VPC as a virtual network 

Azure: while Azure uses Vnet 

Google Cloud: and comparatively, google cloud uses subnet as a virtual network.


Aws: hour.

Azure: minute. 

Google cloud: Minute.


Aws: ElasticCache

Azure: Redis cache

Google cloud: CloudCDN

The differences in Processors in VM in Aws, Azure, and Google cloud are:

Aws: 128

Azure: 128

Google cloud: 96

Memory in VM variations in Aws, Azure, and Google cloud are:

Aws: 3904

Azure: 3800

Google cloud: 1433

Global content  delivery networks used by the Aws, Azure and Google cloud are:

Aws: CloudFront

Azure: Content delivery 

Google Cloud: Cloud Interconnect 


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