All about ASP .NET

All About ASP.NET by .NET Experts

In the world of development, nothing is constant. Tremendous new technologies and design approaches are continuing to broaden the horizon. Web development companies are now focusing on utilizing cutting-edge technologies to develop custom applications due to the intense competition and bias towards producing something innovative for the customers. To develop any application, initially, you need to understand is the nature of the business to deploy the app suitable for your business. The next thing you need to concentrate on the selection of the best technology platform for the development process. 

Some web development frameworks continued to remain in overtime just because they never stopped evolving. framework is one such tremendously popular web development framework. 

Let us check in detail about framework

What is Framework?

Microsoft provides, an open-source web framework used for developing web-based applications and services with .NET. is a cross-platform and runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, and Docker. 

The .Net Platform

.Net comprises tools, programming languages, and libraries for building various types of applications, making it a developer platform. The base platform provides components that apply to all different kinds of apps. Supplementary frameworks such as, extend.NET with components for building specific types of apps. Here are some of the things that included in the .net platform are: 

  • The C# programming language and its compilers
  • Base libraries for working with strings, dates, files/IO and more
  • Editors and tools for Windows, Linux, macOS, and Docker.

Latest versions of

The recent release of version 4.6 is designed to work with the HTTP protocol, which is the official protocol used in all web applications. These applications are also written in a variety of .NET languages, including C# and VB.Net. extends .net extends the .Net platform with tools and libraries specifically for building web apps. Some of the considerations that adds to the .NET platform:

  • Base framework for processing web requests
  • Web-page templating syntax known as Razor, for building dynamic web pages using C#
  • Libraries for common web patterns such as Model View Controller(MVC). 
  • An authentication system that includes libraries, a database and template pages for handling logins, including multi-factor authentication and external authentication with Google, Twitter, and more. 
  • Editor enhancements to provide syntax highlighting, code completion, and other functionality, particularly for developing web pages. 

What are the Frontend code Languages used in

The frontend languages used for creating dynamic pages are C#, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and JQuery. Razor provides a syntax for creating dynamic web pages using HTML and C#. The user, when passes a query to the C# code will be evaluated on the server and the resulting HTML content, is sent to the user. 

Code that executes client-side is written in Javascript. integrates with JavaScript frameworks and includes pre-configured templates for Single Page App(SPA) frameworks like React and Angular.

Code of


What are the Backend code languages and APIs used in

The backend code used in for business logic and data access is C# as you can use the vast ecosystem of packages and libraries available to all .net developers. Even you can author your libraries that are shared between any applications written on the .net platform. The APIs used in are REST, Microservices, and hubs APIs that pushes the real-time content to connected clients.  

What is the ASP.Net Architecture and its Components is a framework used to build a web-based application. The fundamental architecture of the ASP.Net framework is as shown below:

ASP.Net Architecture and its Components

The following are the critical components of the framework architecture:

  • Languages: The variety of languages used for the .net framework are and C# that are used to develop web applications.
  • Libraries: The .net framework uses a set of standard class libraries. The most common libraries used for web applications in .NET are web libraries. Essential components of web libraries are utilized to develop .NET web-based applications.
  • Common Language Runtime(CLR): The Common Language Infrastructure(CLI) is used to execute on this platform. Exception Handling and Garbage collection are performed using CLR.

Key Characteristics of Framework

  • Code Behind Mode: The application can be maintained easily by using the code behind mode, the concept of separation of design and code. The standard file type of an file is aspx. For instance, if we have a web page named Mypage.aspx, an additional file called Mypage.aspx.cs will represent the code part of the page. The visual element creates separate files for each page, with one for the design part and another for the code part.
  • State Management: can be able to control state management. Let us go with an example to know in detail when the user uses the shopping cart application and decides what to buy from the app. Then the user press the submit button. Here the application needs to remember the user’s chosen item for the shopping. This is known as recognizing the state of an application at the current point in time. When the user goes to the purchases page, HTTP will not store the information on the cart items. For this, additional coding will be needed to ensure that the cart items can be carried forward to the purchase page. Such implementations can be dome complex at times. But in  state management can do on your behalf and can remember the cart items and pass it over purchase page.
  • Caching: can implement the caching concept, ultimately improving the performance of the applications. It caches and stores pages that users frequently request in a temporary location, enabling quick retrieval and resulting in excellent performance and response times.

What is MVC?

MVC is an architectural pattern which segregates the application into three main components. The three parts are Model, View, and Controller. MVC handles the particular development phases of an application. MVC is the most often used industry-standard web development framework. 


Model View Controller

How do MVC works?

MVC workflow is different compared with The below diagram explains the workflow of MVC.

Basic Work Flow of MVC

Basic Work Flow of MVC

MVC workflow begins with the user’s request. Basing on the request, initially, it goes to the controller and then to the particular action method where we call all the business logic layers and data access layers. Once we reach the action method, then it goes to the Data access layer. While requesting sometimes the request may contain some input data that binds with the model, then it goes to the data access layer. 

Once the request reaches the data layer, next it goes to the corresponding database where it retrieves the data from the database and then returns backs to the reverse format. After fetching the data and binding in the model, then it goes to the action method. 

This action method returns the result to the corresponding view with the help of the model. The user will get the response in a different format in the action method.     

What are the advantages of MVC?

The advantages of MVC is as follow:

  • Separation of Concern where we separate the Model, View, and Controller.
  • Easier integration with client-side tools
  • SEO friendly/stateless
  • Test-Driven Development to create an application with a unit.
  • Many developers can work at the same time by splitting the application without affecting each other. 

Is MVC replacing web forms?

The answer is No, MVC will not replace web forms. It is the other choice for the developers to use this MVC for the web forms. MVC is very famous and is used by many companies. MVC is generally based on the customer opinion and project structure, either they use traditional application or MVC.

Folded Structure of MVC

Here in the below screen, you can see the Model, View, and controller while opening the MVC application, which in default contains Model, View, and Controller. 

Folded Structure of MVC

Environment setup for MVC

Visual Studio 2019 is the latest version of Visual Studio 16.1 as it supports all versions of MVC and MVC core. 

About MVC application

Step1: First, you need to open Visual Studio 16.1, then go to file – new- Project. Now select the Web – web application. Here you give the project name and click ok. 

Step 1 ASP.NET MVC Application

Step2: Choose the MVC in the template window and click ok. Once we press on MVC, we can see the information on the right side as in the below screen. 

Step2 ASP.NET MVC Application

Step3: We can see the folder structure as shown in the below screenshot where you can find the Model-View-Controller architecture. The home controller is a default controller in the controller folder, and the home controller has three action results. 

Code for MVC application

Step 3 ASP.NET MVC Application

Step4: Build our MVC application, if the built MVC succeeds, then run the application. The below image will show it:

Step 4 MVC application

Let’s check how to hire developers?

How to hire an developer?

Are you looking for hiring developers India or in the UK, then you must be aware of the options that are open for hiring developers. developers may work as outsourced or freelance professionals, or they may be part of an in-house team serving the local or global market.  Before hiring the developers for your project, you should raise specific questions like what is the primary purpose of hiring the developer and why should you hire developers. Answering all these questions will help overcome all the issues during the development phase. Here is the following guideline to follow that is helpful to hire an efficient developer.

  • Key Consideration is Communication: It is essential to make sure that the developer you hire must have excellent communication skills. The developer should always need to communicate with the team and client to know their requirements and expectations concerning the application. 
  • Experience is must: Knowing the expertise of the developer is a very crucial thing to consider. Before hiring developer, you should take a look at the developers’ portfolio to know about their experience and knowledge in the desired field. Even you can ask the developer to work with sample code which exactly tells their expertise. 
  • Know the knowledge of developer: Before hiring the developer, you should keep in mind that the developer should be well aware of the basics of the framework. The developer must know everything from basics to the latest version of 

Why is it essential to hire a professional developer for building MVP?

There are many reasons to hire a professional ASP.NET developer to develop a startups MVP in the early stages. This is one of the main reason why most of the entrepreneurs and founders opt to hire a mobile app development agency or professional developers as they are more proficient and experienced in the development of such MVPs.

Here are some of the benefits of hiring professional developers for Startups MVP development. 

Benefits of hiring professional developers for startup MVP development

  • Target on pushing your business: As there are lots of things to take care of starting a business can be stressful. But by hiring a professional developer to develop MVP. You need to get involved in every detail of developing MVP.
  • Resul oriented Resources: The professional developers are highly focused and result-oriented; they grasp themselves up-to-date with the latest technology trends and customer purchasing behavior. The professional developers can afford the best support to assist you in fixing up the most attainable as well as a viable solution to ensure higher customer gratification and business growth.  
  • Personalized Strategy: The next best benefit of hiring professional developers is that they possess a strong understanding of the latest technology stack and stay up-to-date with the latest market trends, ultimately contributing to the accelerated growth of your business concept.
  • Experience and expertise lead to success: Hiring a team of professional developers who are well experienced and knowledge will make the entire MVP development process a lot easier. They are well-trained to handle any unpredicted situation in a professional manner.  
  • Guaranteed ROI: The professional developers are highly equipped and committed towards the startups. They lead to conspire with you to surmount the technical barriers during MVP development that may influence scaling up your business in the initial stages, which thereby yielding more significant ROI. 
To Sum Up

To conclude, it is evident that using for your startups will render results which would be more proficient than any other technology. is one of the best and open source technology that is leading the technology world very effectively. Most of the developers are tending to use to grab knowledge and provide the best projects to the clients with higher customer satisfaction ratio and hence the ROI and long-term stability to your venture. 

Krify is the leading website and mobile app development company in India and UK having experienced and professional team of developers shall produce a robust resulting in the provisioning of higher customer satisfaction ratio. For more details contact us today for any queries. 

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