
AutoProctor Test and its Features

In almost every corner, the world has changed its way from offline to online. There has been a trend these days to take online tests for major recruitment procedures. Also, it is challenging for the faculties to find candidates who violate the exam protocols and proceed further without getting noticed during conducting online examinations. And it is difficult for the exam invigilators to detect the mischievous student’s activities during the examination.
There are several typical errors. Because of these flaws, the students either cannot take the exam, or all responses they give are lost. Autoproctor systems are needed to track and enable students to measure the comfort of their own homes during the examination. The applications protect the integrity of testing by using online cameras and tracking tools.

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What is the AutoProctor Test?

An AutoPractor is an automatic invigilation system that uses Artificial Intelligence, preventing and collecting evidence of wrongdoing during an online exam. AutoPractor tests are timed examinations conducted using proctoring software that detects the user’s desktop, audio, and webcam video.

How AutoProctor works?

One of the key benefits of AutoProctor is that it can take care of the exams securely. The magic of online activity is the touch of all patterns. However, at the right time, there are two sides to each coin to display.

As it is the beginning of the prototype online period, the features mostly have advantages. Generally, there are three types of online proctoring systems. Still, most generally, the self-proctoring device that is AI-capable of extremely sophisticated installation allows illegal free tests without placing all people at risk during this pandemic period that will not end soon. The move to online would be suitable; however, protected access is possible.

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AutoProctor features

  1. User Authentication:

    As the system is AI-enabled, it will be easier for the Proctor to recognize the movements on the screen and the changing of the tabs as well. The candidate needs to make sure that the camera can see his/her face; if not detected, the online exam couldn’t be loaded for them.  If the candidate is away from the camera, it gets recorded and will be marked as a violation. Also, the candidate should have a plain background without any objects or other persons around him.

  2. Secure browser:

    The candidates cannot browse or open other tabs apart from the test screen. The screen recorder records all the activities of the candidate during the exam. If the candidate is found browsing some other websites other than the test screen, it will be marked as misconduct, and action will be taken upon the candidate.

  3. Generate reports:

    As soon as the exam starts, the screen recorder will record the entire screen activity, and the camera takes the snaps. All this evidence will be displayed at the end of the exam, in the form of a report. Based on the report score, the candidate will be evaluated.


From the above, we can infer that when selecting from various choices, certain complications can arise. Still, the experience is particularly appropriate for officials who know what to select depending upon their considerations.

We at Krify are well-versed in developing robust mobile and web applications by our professional developers. They are skilled with trending technologies and have the zeal to meet the challenges and fulfil their requirements. If you are looking for an AutoProctor system-based service, you are on the right page. For more information, contact us.

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