Top Ten Node JS Frameworks

Top Ten Node JS Frameworks you must consider in 2020

Node.js is an open-source, server-side platform leveraging Chrome’s JavaScript runtime to develop rapid and adaptable network applications. Its non-blocking I/O model and event-driven nature make Node.js lightweight, efficient, and ideal for handling large volumes of data and real-time distributed applications. Explore the Top Node JS Frameworks to Choose for your project needs.

The reputed organizations like eBay, Yahoo, Uber, Microsoft, Paypal, and few more brands make use of Node js to develop applications and utilize in many projects. It is important to count on two points majorly before choosing a Node js framework; they are Scalability and Flexibility. Due to its magnificent architecture, Node js provides its developers with outstanding performance.

Top 10 best Node JS Frameworks and their Features

Express JS:

Most of the developers go for Express.js as their primary choice. This framework is best known for its speed, versatility, and dynamic features. It is best suited for developing both mobile and web applications.

Features of Express JS:

  • The main goal of Express js is to create quality applications quickly, and it focuses on performance by supporting more than 14 template engines and applying simple HTTP methods.
  • Apart from letting users make large HTML pages dynamically, Express js also allows the users to acknowledge HTTPS requests by setting up software glues.
  • Express Js also has the feature of multiple view support systems, and the users are excited with its quick I/O and strong API, making routing simpler and faster.
  • Express js is basically a set of routing libraries that perform different web actions based on the HTTP methods.


Another framework that is Hapi.js is an open-source server framework for the web application. It is mostly used to develop REST(Representational state transfer) APIs, along with other applications. This framework is stable, reliable, and abundant in the configuration.

Hapi.JS features:

  • This framework is flexible as it provides the user to use MySQL, MongoDB, and Postgres to develop static and potential websites.
  • Hapii.js send the request from its API to other source and helps the user in building HTTP proxy application.
  • It facilitates users with real-time chat applications by the use of plugin “nes.”
  • Rendering of the dynamic contents is made easier as it provides a Javascript templating engine. is a javascript library and a full-stack framework focussing on developing real-time applications. The speed and reliability of this framework are found amazing by the developers. Features:

  • The speed of this framework is high as it provides a common API to both client-side and web-server side sections.
  • It supports multiplexing, providing JSON serializable objects, auto-correction, etc.
  • Developers can form a bi-direction communication between the client and web server with the help of  EventEmitters in
  • It acts as node js, moving the WebSockets into being easy to access and more reliable.

Nest JS:

Nest JS is a backend application framework built in a way to help developers improve their productivity and easier to handle. The only programming language that Nest JS uses is typescript, which is a superset of Javascript that offers special assistance over other frameworks.

Nest JS Features:

  • It offers better typing accuracy as it makes use of typescript.
  • It utilizes the Express js features.
  • As Angular js also makes use of typescript, the developers find comfort in building the front end with Angular js and back end with Nest js framework.
  • Developers can integrate plenty of new features with the help of Nest JS tool, i.e., Nest CLI

Sail JS:

Sail JS is a popular lightweight MVC web application framework with its features similar to Express js. It facilitates to build applications with javascript as it is built on Express js and Node js.

Sail JS Features:

  • By making use of Express js, Sail js handles HTTP requests.
  • Due to its MVC architecture, it offers flawless transitions.
  • It offers developers access to any database.
  • Developers find this framework to be comfortable as it is compatible with many front end frameworks.

Meteor JS:

Meteor JS is a free and open-source full-stack framework of Node js, that allows the users to build real-time applications. By using Meteor Js, both web-based and mobile-based applications can be developed.

Meteor JS Features:

  • The performance of Meteor js is flawless as it shares the API on client slide and server-side components.
  • The lines of code are less.
  • It has the liberty to easily integrate with platforms such as mongo, Cordova, angular, react, vue, graphql, and npm
  • Developers can make use of the same codes on different devices.


Koa JS is known to be the small and flexible web application framework that provides a strong set of features in mobile and web applications. Potential web-based applications can be build using Koa js.

Koa.js Features:

  • By default, Koa. js has some strategies such as proxy support, the freshness of cache, and the negotiation of content for general tasks.
  • It cleans up the problem caused in the code due to any callback.
  • It manages the code and supports the keywords syn/await
  • The option of customization helps the developer to work with the application from scratch and add new features.


Loopback is an open-source and highly-expandable  API framework, that helps the developers to create end-to-end REST API with much less coding. It is simple and easy to be handled by the developers.

Loopback Features:

  • It provides a perfect and modular structure of code.
  • Gives access to the developers to create SDKs and documentation of API.
  • Provides access to multiple databases such as MongoDB, SQL, and oracle
  • As it provides full-stack configuration, it is easier for the developers to find their database from the client-side using direct filters.


Derby JS is an open-source, full-stack Node js web and MVC architecture based framework. In order to develop real-time collective applications, developers consider Derby js as the best framework.

Derby.Js Features:

  • Real-time concurrency, data synchronization, and developing multiple websites are some of its features.
  • It allows the developers to work on both server-side and client-side components.
  • Developers find it simple to add customized codes and to build real-time web applications.
  • With the help of ShareDB, online and offline conflicts are resolved automatically.

It is a full-stack MVC and javascript framework that allows developers to build robust and easily controllable applications. Features:

  • Support development tools such as GraphQl, Babel, etc.
  • Developers find it easier to handle as it requires only Javascript.
  • Offers the developers with quick and real-time changes in the application.
  • Cloud compatible by adding the functionalities of MongoDB.


Node JS is crucial for application development due to its flexibility and reliability. Choosing the right framework depends on your project’s specifics. Contact us for web application development needs. Explore the Top Node JS Frameworks to Choose.

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