Ways to Instantly Improve your Website Performance

Ways to Improve your Website Performance

We are in an era where people prefer to have instant updates, same-day delivery and even the high customer service expectations. The visitors are not going to wait very long for your website to download. The website speed makes the first impression of your business. It is also important to improve website performance as you won’t get a second chance when it comes to user experience. People get frustrated if your website speed is low which will turn people off about your resource.

A high-performance website ends with high return visits, higher conversions, less bounce rate, rate, better user experience and higher ranks in organic search. Slow-loading websites will cost you money and ruined reputation. By decreasing the page load time you will get positive results in marketing and sales processes. So there will be higher traffic and attract more qualified leads that can be converted into customers. 

In this blog, we will discuss ways to instantly improve your website performance. Let’s get into the topic:

Importance of website speed optimization

Page load time is a web performance metrics that show the time need for the page to show on the user screen. Here are the key factors of website performance:

  • Conversion
  • Visibility
  • Usability

Ways to Improve your website performance

Here are the few simple ways to improve website performance and speed. Let get into the topic:

  • Optimise your images:

    The images are the first things that appear in your website. So check the images are either optimised or not. There are many ways to optimize your images to reduce their size and make sure they are not the main culprit for your website loading slowly. Here is the list to overcome this issue:

    • Compress your image file
    • Use the correct dimensions
    • Save images in the correct formate

  • Minimise HTTP Requests:

    For every image, CSS and JavaScript file on your website, visitors have to do an HTTP or HTTPS call to your website’s server. To overcome the loading time issue caused by multiple requests, follow these steps:

    • Combine multiple CSS and JavaScript files
    • Use CSS instead of images if possible

  • Allow Gzip compression:

    This is one way to improve your website speed and performance using this you will able to compress HTML and CSS files used on your website before sending to the browser. When visitors browse, their browsers download Gzip files instead of the original HTML and CSS files, provided Gzip compression is enabled.

  • Go for Test changes:

    If any changes have implemented then you should test your website to check whether changes have improved in page loading times. To check you should use tools like Pingdom Tool which helps to show which resources are slowing down the page load. Also, test your website from a different location. Google PageSpeed Insights identifies slowdown sources and offers optimized resources like images, JavaScript, and CSS files.

Web developers

  • Use CDN:

    Content Delivery Network which refers to a distributed computer network that delivers static files such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript and also images and video files to visitors based on their geographic location.

  • Use Minify Stylesheet and JavaScript files:

    There should not be any white spaces, page breaks, and line breaks that acquire the code easier to read. Large files can hinder website performance as browsers struggle to process them, affecting user experience negatively. Using Minify will remove all those white spaces and line breaks making CSS and JavaScript file smaller.

  • Upgrade your Hosting plan:

    When traffic and visitors increase, consider upgrading your hosting plan for better control over server resources.


There will be significant differences between your website performance on your experience, pageviews and your bottom line. 

Krify is the leading website development company based in India and the UK having huge experience in developing a website for any domain. For more information please contact us

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