difference between UX & UI designs

What is the Difference between UX & UI Designs

Considering how you can understand the difference between UI and UX design architecture, this guide will take you through the fundamentals of UI and UX designing where you will get clearness on topics – How each term effects? How are they unique? How are they associated? UI vs UX design difference? What does a UI/UX designer do?

User Experience (UX) Design:

What is User Experience (UX) Design?

 UX design focuses on making a design that improves the human experience when they interact with something. Now let’s understand what is the role of a UX designer in designing?

What Is the Role of a UX Designer?

 A UX designer becomes an integral factor at the absolute starting point of a design with an aim to increase the quality of users’ experience. The focus of UX designers is to make a design simpler to use and more efficient by retaining its efficiency, and significance. Let’s see the tasks that a UX designer does.

  1. User Research:
    User research aims to provide genuine data, which the team then maintains and considers as the basis for constructing the product.
  2. Design:
    The design part includes making wireframes and prototypes from the explored information. Research information is used for structural design during the wireframing process.
  3. User Testing:
    UX testing is a fundamental piece of UX design. Although user testing should be done once a product is live on the lookout but implementing it during the development stage itself helps to save cost and time.

User Interface (UI) Design:

What is User Interface (UI) Design?

 It is the design of the interface that connects the user and the product. Its goal is to make the product interface, attractive visuality, engaging that speaks to the user regarding the brand identity. We understood what is UI design Now let’s understand what is the role of a UI designer in designing.

What is the Role of a UI Designer?

A UI designer focuses on making screens and other visual components, for example, pictures, buttons, patterns, etc. to navigate the user starting with one point then onto the next instinctively. A UI design measures and adds the visual and intelligent components to product improvement. Let’s understand a portion of the fundamental tasks that a UI designer does.

  1. Collaboration:
    A UI designer needs to work together and speak with different individuals in a team. They work with UX designers to assemble data with respect to user research, prototypes and meets the client assumptions
  2. Design:
    The design should be interactive, reliable, and should convey a brand identity that makes them conspicuous in a group.
  3. Execution:
    The execution of a design needs to be carried out carefully with consideration of a few components. Some of which are design’s responsiveness, animation, text style, and typesetting, and many more.

What are the Skills a UI UX Designer should have?

 Holding aside the user interface differences lets evaluate all areas from a wider perspective of design which helps one to look over certain skills that one can become a good UI UX designer.

  1. Drive:
    A designer should consistently develop and utilize most of his creativity.
  2. Curiosity:
    The area of design is evolving continuously. A designer should be interested to comprehend and become familiar with these patterns to make their designs pertinent and refreshed.
  3. Empathy:
    UI UX design is about people. So in order to really build user-centric designs, it is important to be able to understand people, their needs, and problems.
  4. Communication:
    A designer needs to team up with individuals at various levels of the organization. The ability to straightforwardly speak with others and furthermore to understand others is critical for advancement.
  5. Aesthetics:
    A designer should always feel to improve their design. Also, even the smallest factors, for example, balanced usage of color, alignment, visual weight, etc. have an abundant effect on design.

Mobile app service


Design is a creative method, but without regard to interaction. It needs skills, but also the ongoing improvement of skills. Another thing is that in a short time the layout will be outdated in a short time. You might have got clarity on UX design vs UI design now. 

At Krify we have the best UI UX designers who get updated themself with the latest trends. If you are looking for UI/UX designers from India, you landed on the right page. For more information, contact us.

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