What is AWS and its essential services?

What is AWS and what are its Essential Services?

AWS is a cloud-computing platform provided by Amazon Web Services. Developers and enterprises build it to start, run, and scale applications in the cloud. AWS offers a wide range of features – from computing, storage, and database to networking, analytics and more.

Amazon Web Services is the world’s most popular cloud computing platform that startups and enterprises use to create more agile implementations. AWS offers a broad set of products. For example, Amazon S3 stores large amounts of data on its servers, enabling access from anywhere in the world at any time. Amazon EC2 allows users to rent processing power from AWS and utilize it whenever needed. Amazon DynamoDB, a NoSQL database, manages fast and scalable performance. AWS Lambda provides custom functions that users can manage through an API or the cloud function console.

AWS, a cloud computing platform launched in 2006, provides a wide range of services that are essential for businesses to run efficiently. Moreover, below are some of the services offered by Amazon Web Services.

Essential Services of AWS(Amazon Web Services)

1. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)

Simple Storage Service, one of the most popular AWS services, is the ideal tool for businesses looking to harness the power of big data because it is a flexible, high-availability storage web service. Businesses can store virtually unlimited amounts of data on what are known as “S3 buckets” and activate them only when necessary.

2. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

An essential component of the entire AWS ecosystem is the Elastic Compute Cloud. It enables scalable, on-demand computing resources, making it simple to scale up and down AWS environments in a matter of minutes. Because users only pay for the resources they use, EC2 is a great alternative to purchasing traditional servers for workloads that are unpredictable or have irregular traffic.

3. Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service) 

AWS (Amazon Web Services) provides message delivery or sending of messages to subscribing endpoints or clients through its Amazon SNS service. The messaging service is fully regulated and offers incredible reliability, strength, and security.

4. AWS Code deploys

Any application can be run on the simple-to-use and easy-to-adopt CodeDeploy platform. Additionally, it is convenient to reuse the setup code. (Modafinil) Moreover, you can integrate CodeDeploy with the continuous delivery toolchain or the software release process to expedite and simplify deployment.
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5. Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service): 

Technical experts and developers utilize Amazon SQS, a managed message queuing service, to asynchronously handle variously sized messages. It enables scaling of serverless apps, distributed systems, and microservices by managing message queues independently.

6. AWS Lambda

Serverless computing is a service that Amazon Web Services offers under the name AWS Lambda (AWS). AWS Lambda users build functions self-contained programmes written in one of the supported languages and runtimes and upload them for the service to execute in a swift and adaptable way.


We at Krify have a team of qualified professionals who are more focused on developing reliable Mobile Apps and Web Applications so that we can best serve our customers, with their requirements and deliver the best results.

Contact us if you have any queries or plans relating to the development of mobile and web applications. If you have any questions regarding AWS and its services, you can also get in touch with us for a free 30-minute consultation with one of our experts.

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