What happens if you stop doing SEO

What happens if you stop doing SEO

SEO defines the quality and quantity of traffic, along with organic results. Quality traffic entails attracting visitors interested in your product, identified by Google. Quantity refers to the right people clicking from SERPs. Organic results, making up a significant portion of SERPs, don’t require payment. Explore the Effects of Stopping SEO Efforts.

In order to rank top in the search engine, SEO maintenance is a must for any website. So, we need to perform some SEO activities such as updating content, link building, technical issue maintenance, Whitehat, and blackhat techniques, and many more. 

Due to the current pandemic situation, most of the businesses are in loss and so they find the SEO maintenance for their website is not so important and assuming that taking a break won’t cause any issue. Here in this blog, we will discuss what happens when you stop SEO activities for your website.

What Happens when you stop SEO activities for your Website:

Content Index:

  1. You Stop finding the technical issue
  2. You Stop posting content
  3. You Stop watching bad links
  4. Competitor takes Opportunity
  5. Miss Algorithm changes

You Stop finding a Technical SEO issue:

If a website doesn’t have technical SEO maintenance, then there would be some issues in the websites, where without the robots.txt  file generates duplicate content. Your website will be pushed into the index. If you don’t monitor all these things and fix them consistently, they start to add issues. It is essential to stay technically correct with new development such as mobile usability, page speed, AMP, and many more. If you don’t have technical SEO maintenance, that will cost you down the line. 

You Stop posting content:

From the SEO part, When you stop publishing content in the website the following things happen – capturing new visitors, create hub pages those are main pages that link to all other pages on the topic, stop getting traffic from social media posts, etc. overall, if you stop updating content in the website, you are saying Google that your website is no longer active. Thus your ranking in the search engine falls. 

If your website SEO maintenance stops, then the backlink profile gets out of control. Your website gets bad backlinks, which make it worse than ever before. These include people who scrape your content and get Google alerts regarding website hacking by malware. However, competitors will try to do negative SEO on your website. 

Competitor takes Opportunity:

If you stop SEO, competitors will take advantage to overtake you. The competitors will watch your every move and try to come up with new innovative strategies to outrank. 

Missing Algorithm updates:

Panda, Penguin, possum, and pigeon all thee are Google algorithm updates that have a considerable impact not only on the website rank but also on the strategies. The penguin algorithm will provide change to the SEO practices wholely. Without the SEO practices on your website, then you will leave yourself susceptible to these types of changes. 


Stopping SEO efforts leads to a drop in rankings and traffic. SEO is essential for website success, improving search ranking, and business growth. Continuing SEO efforts ensures content creation, updates, and resolving technical issues. Explore the Effects of Stopping SEO Efforts.

We at krify being a leading digital marketing agency keep your website SEO optimized, and we take up your website to the top in the search engine with perfect SEO strategies. There is no excuse for stopping SEO activities for your website. Please contact us for more information.

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