Website development for college event or fest

How to Develop a Website for College Event/Fest?

Developing a website for your college fest/event will help keep the memories of these events forever. Designing a website for your college event/fest today may be a lot easier than ever before. However, to create a college event/fest website, several factors need to be considered if the website is to be effective. 

Here in this blog, you will find some handy tips and examples of some excellent college event/fest websites that help you create a website for event/fest as stunning as any other.  

Critical Factors of the successful college Event/fest website

  • Responsive Design:

    The website without the responsiveness is not at all a website. To be a successful college event/fest website,  make sure that your college event/fest website is responsive. This means that your website design should be optimized so that it can be viewed on any mobile device. Always make your college event/fest website easy to use. You should always put yourself in the visitors’ shoes when you design your site. Most of the visitors visit your website from their mobile device. So it needs to be responsive. Always avoid clunky dropdown menus and aim for a one-page website if possible. 

  • Maintain Gallery:

    An excellent college event/fest website need to maintain a gallery which has all the pictures of the event/fest held in their colleges. 

  • Use captivating visuals to entice visitors:

    The visuals are the first things on the website that the visitors will notice which impact the most. You can include images, such as the location of the event/fest, any guests or performers those are in. Even using graphic designs to make your event appealing. Including some past events/fests will show how great the college will conduct the programs in the college. 

Responsive website development

  • Use videos to boost engagement:

    Images are excellent for attracting the attention of visitors. Apart from these, videos are great for holding it. Here are two reasons why you need to include at least one video on your college event/fest website.

    • Always show, don’t tell:

      This is one way to showcase how your college encourages entertainment activities.  

    • Captivate your audience:

      Allow them to comment on the website or upload your video to social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

  • Be Informative:

    Design and visuals on your college event/fest website will make a great impression. Make sure your college event/fest website has all the relevant details needed to learn about the event and register for it. Be as particular as possible by including time, date, price, availability and preferably a map. Here are some things that you need to add: 

    • What your event is about/ which group of college people are conducting the fest?
    • When it’s happening
    • Where it’s taking place
    • How to register for it
  • Optimize it for SEO: Many events will be held in the world to grab the attention of your potential visitors. That’s where search engine optimization comes into action. SEO is essential to get found online. Here are some of the things how to climb the ranks of Google, Bing and Yahoo:
    • Optimize your images
    • Make your event website to load fast 
    • Make it mobile-friendly
    • Support multiple Languages
  • Make it a social channel: A college Event/Fest website is that it should reflect your interests as it is a social experience which encourages visitors to share your event on social media. Including social media will go a long way to making your event a success. It will be the best practice to embed your social media profiles into your college event/fest website. This will make it easy for visitors to stay up to date with the event/fest information.


By following the above-mentioned points along with technical knowledge and experience will increase chances for your college event/fest website, becoming a great promotion of your event/fest.

Krify is the leading website development company in India and the UK. We have huge competency in developing event website for conferences. Our web developers are skilful enough to work on any domain. To get a free quote please contact us.

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