Web Application Architecture Design

Web Application Architecture Design

Web application architecture design evolves in accordance with technological advancements. The architecture of a web application is the framework that governs how application components interact with one another. In other words, web application architecture determines how the client and server are connected. Web applications of various sizes and levels of complexity all adhere to the same architectural theory, but the specifics can vary. A web application architecture incorporates all of the software modules and elements, internal and external structures, and interactions that make up an application. The architecture ensures meeting all non-functional requirements (such as reliability and flexibility) in addition to addressing all of the business needs identified at the start of the development.

There are various developments in the design of web application architecture. Each has its HTTP API. As a result, one section of the code will submit a request to another section of the code, operating on a different server. A single-page application is another common theme. A rich JavaScript framework presents web UI, maintained in the user’s browser through various interactions. It utilizes AJAX or WebSockets to send asynchronous or synchronous requests to the webserver without requiring the page to be loaded.

Design a Web Application Architecture

Most web applications are built by layering or tiering their key functions. This makes it possible to replace and update each layer independently. Multi- or Three-Tier Architecture is the name given to this architectural pattern.

1.Presentation Layer:

Users access the presentation layer through a browser, comprising UI and its components that facilitate user-system interaction. This layer incorporates three main technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While HTML decides what your website will contain, CSS determines how it will look. JavaScript and its frameworks make your website interactive, allowing it to react to user actions. To render the content on the website interactive, developers use JavaScript frameworks such as Angular and React.

2.Application layer:

This layer, also known as Business Logic, Domain Logic, or Application Layer, recognizes browser user requests, handles them, and specifies data access methods. An application layer encodes the workflows that data and requests follow via the back end. If your application is a hotel booking website, for example, business logic would be in charge of the set of events a traveller would go through while booking a room.

3.Data access layer:

The Data access layer, or Persistence layer, acts as a central hub for all data calls, providing access to an application’s persistent storage. This layer tightly couples with the business layer, streamlining data retrieval. It comprises a server, Database Management System, and user interfaces for data processing. Data storage options include hardware servers or the cloud, with choices for Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service, or serverless approaches. Additionally, there are common components in web applications separate from the main layers.

-Cross-cutting code: Other application issues, such as communications, operational management, and security, are handled by this component. It affects all parts of the system but should never be mixed with them.

-Third-party integration: Payment gateways, social logins, and Global distribution system in travel websites are all integrations linked to the application’s back end through APIs, which are pieces of code. They allow your software to source data from other software and expand its functionality without rewriting it from scratch.
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Different types of web applications

A web application is made up of both dynamic and static content. A Single Page Application is the most basic type of web application with dynamic content.

1.Single page application:

The ability to access all information from a single HTML page is the main objective of SPAs. Developers can make the website run faster and take some of the load off the server by moving the application logic to the client-side and using the server-side only for data storage. Apart from HTML and CSS, a single platform dynamically generates and transmits content to a user on the front end.The interconnectivity of the components is tight. This means that changing one of the UX or UI components requires rewriting the entire front end code. We can’t discuss single-page applications without considering the more conventional Multi-Page model.

2.Multi-Page Applications:

Some content requests in Multi-Page Applications necessitate retrieving an entirely new web page from the server. There are large systems with multi-layered user interfaces.AJAX tech handles complex apps by updating specific elements, streamlining data transfer. However, it adds complexity to development compared to single-page apps.


Good web app architecture is crucial for future development, ensuring increased demand, interoperability, and reliability. At Krify, our tech-savvy team meets current and future trends’ growing demands. If you want to understand and know more about web application design and development, contact us.

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