Web API Development Company in India
A web API is the application programming interface (API) for both the web server and web browser. A server-side web API is a programmatic interface to a clear appeal-answer message system, normally expressed in JSON or XML, which is wide-open via the web—most frequently by means of an HTTP-based web server. Krify is one of the top web API development company in India developing and designing API’s.
A client-side web API is a programmatic interface to extend functionality within a web browser or other HTTP client. Originally these were most commonly in the form of native plug-in architectures. However most newer ones target standardized JavaScript bindings.
The usage of API grew by leaps and bounds in the last decade. Krify stands out as a leading firm in web API development in India, who has exploited the usage of Web APIs to create competitive Software Applications. Our team has the right skills and expertise to achieve the desired results.

Benefits of Web API Development

Hassle free Data Maintenance
Centralization of business logic will lessen your efforts, making your work worthwhile. As a result, business information’s can be maintained with consistency.

Easy to implement
It becomes easy to test business logic using various tools. It is a lightweight architecture and is good for devices, which have limited bandwidth like smart cell phones.

Scalable with Multi-clients
These RESTful Web APIs are accessible by a variety of HTTP clients like Windows 7, Windows 8, Android, iPhone, iPad, WPF Client, Windows Phone 8 etc. It uses low band-width.

Why Choose Krify for your Web API Development?

Web API works on HTTP. It can be called or consumed by any kind of application like Mobile App, Desktop App, and Web Application etc. Thus, Developing Web API will give you a broad range of the Interface application, which can consume your Web API and fetch information to show the users. Web API is not limiting you to stick with specific interface or technology in order to interact with users.
Krify is a multinational web & mobile app, web API development company in India. We have a expert team of web API developers, we can develop the tailored API’s based on each unique client need. Hire our expert web API developers today to scale up your business.
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