PHP Development Trends

Top PHP Development Trends You Need to Know

What is PHP?

PHP is a server-side programming language that enables dynamic and simple blogging sites as well as full-fledged eCommerce websites. It may be incorporated into HTML to produce a wide range of online applications and websites based on your company’s demands. PHP is a well-known and widely-used programming language. PHP was created in 1994 and originally stood for Personal Home Page, though it is now known as Hypertext Preprocessor. The term “preprocessor” was later added to the name. This computer language has been one of the web development essentials throughout the years. Today, over 80% of all online projects use PHP as a server-side language. 26 years after its debut, PHP continues to raise the bar with new features and capabilities, including recent PHP development trends.

Why Use PHP?

PHP may be used to create web development projects. It allows you to access a variety of features and functionalities depending on your client’s needs. It enables website designers to produce superior sites while also offering a robust online solution for their firm. PHP is secure, quick, and dependable when it comes to building dynamic websites, making it especially useful for businesses that need PHP developers rather than general web developers. Choosing the appropriate PHP software enables you to utilize powerful tools and resources for app creation.

Top PHP Development Trends

If you have a website (or plan to develop one), staying on top of the most recent PHP development trends can save you a lot of time and money. For example, by creating an easy-to-use and engaging website that meets your users’ and customers’ expectations, you’ll be able to provide them with a fantastic online experience when you develop from a top PHP development company.

  • ChatBots
  • Cyber Security
  • Integration with Cloud
  • AMP
  • IoT with PHP tools
  • UI
  • Combination of Java with PHP
  • IoT with PHP Frameworks

1. ChatBots:

You’re browsing through a website with excellent books, but you want to know if they’ll ship products to your country because of the quarantine. You look over the whole site and can’t seem to discover anything about it. But then, out of nowhere, this little pop-up appears asking “ How can I help you?” You send a message to this bot inquiring about your problem, and it promptly solves it by detailing how shipment works. The book you liked will be delivered to you in just two weeks. 

This is a short, straightforward tale about how chatbots may be a fantastic tool for enhancing a customer’s experience. They can assist customers in resolving any concerns they may have about a service or product that they could eventually buy. Companies also benefit because chatbots offer a 24/7 service instead of employing a full-time worker, which is why in 2020, 47 % of businesses employed them for customer support services.

2. Cyber Security:

Cybersecurity solutions are one of the newest developments in PHP web development. Developers may develop websites that securely store all of their website/application data. This is essential for eCommerce sites that rely on online payment methods to conduct transactions. You can improve security by using PHP frameworks and programs, making your site a secure and stable web application for everyone.

3. Cloud Integration:

The virtual cloud is now being utilized by most organizations across the world. But put aside the epidemic for a moment and consider how much easier it is for businesses to use cloud services to store their data these days. Businesses recognize all of the advantages that cloud computing can provide. PHP and a cloud framework are currently used by around 79% of websites and applications to optimize the benefits of both technologies. 

4. AMP:

The Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is an open-source project that improves mobile pages, making them faster. The majority of users go to websites via their phones, and the speed of these sites is important to whether these people will stay or leave. You may also improve your site’s performance and have fast-loading pages by adding the Google AMP plugging if it’s written in PHP.

Web developers

5. IoT with PHP Tools:

PHP is a popular programming language used to create Internet of Things (IoT) applications. IoT technology necessitates a dynamic language with the ability to enhance programming structures, and PHP provides several frameworks that can provide the optimum answer. Despite this, there are still many hurdles ahead because although we may observe IoT in a variety of devices, it is still new. This is yet another trend in software and business development, but its potential in the future is enormous.

6. User Interface:

PHP developers’ main strengths are their capacity to build responsive websites with dynamic effects, attractive visuals, and other features that engage visitors. Without a doubt, UI is one of the elements that PHP developers pay close attention to in order to ensure that customers have a great experience and return to the website. Many frameworks (such as CakePHP, Codeigniter, Symfony, etc.) now provide many capabilities for developing innovative solutions that catch users’ attention.

7. Combination of Java with PHP:

PHP is also one of the most secure programming languages. PHP, besides being safe, is also one of the quickest languages available, so it’s a win-win situation. When you have to upgrade websites and apps, you’ll be able to save money and time. It’s feasible to use both PHP and Java in the same application with the PHP/Java Bridge. It uses a streaming, XML-based network protocol to link a native script engine like PHP with a Java virtual machine.

8. IoT with PHP Frameworks:

IoT is a cutting-edge technology that is quickly adopting development infrastructure. You may construct a flawless technical structure containing various technologies and overall coding architecture by combining PHP web development tools and resources with IoT.


Websites have grown to be an essential component of business success in the digital era. However, creating UI-friendly websites with a beautiful design and features like security and data storage is not simple. Developers, on the other hand, can assist us in this endeavor.

At Krify we’ve skilled developers for a decade, so we’re proud to claim that we have extensive experience recruiting remote technical talent. If you require a PHP developer, get in touch with us. We are the top PHP website development company India. Contact us to assist you in finding better and faster hires.


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