Features to be implemented in a fitness app

Top features to be implemented in a Fitness App

Achieving a fit and healthy body is hard for many people. This is because of the need to balance between heavy workouts and an appropriate diet. It doesn’t help that a phone app can’t keep up with what you need in terms of motivation. Fitness apps have been around for many years and the market is flooded with them. But, it’s not just about looking for the most popular app and downloading it. There are different criteria to consider before making a decision on which app will best match your fitness needs.

Some apps are more focused on tracking and monitoring your body’s health by logging each workout session with details of calories burned, heart rate, distance covered, etc. These apps can be used to better understand your workout performance over time to help you stay motivated.

Some other fitness apps are designed in a similar way as video games where you have user-friendly AI trainers that teach you how to set up gym routines, how to do each exercise properly, when to rest in between exercises, etc. There is also a gamification element that rewards users with badges and achievements as they progress through their workouts. These types of fitness apps can make exercise more fun and motivating. 

However, there are some fitness apps which are very unique and user-friendly. They promise to take away the difficult aspect of fitness by using AI trainers who will always be available when you want them.

Features to be implemented in a Fitness app

1. Simple Signup

An easy and simple sign-up is the first step to peek and explore your app, so it is better to make it simple and hassle-free.

2. Create daily workout

Make it simple for users to create their daily workout plan. It is preferable to prepare a workout plan ahead of time rather than each day before the workout.

3. Choose types of workout

A fitness app should function as an AI trainer, guiding users through a wide range of exercises and their descriptions such as barbells, dumbbells, machines, cables, and smith machines.

4. Add new exercise

It is also important to provide an option for the user to add an exercise that they would work out on a daily basis, and if isn’t found in the app library.

5. Body Stats

Users may be given the option to share their body stats to track or check their progress during the workout process.
Mobile app service

6. Baseline Test

Before beginning the workout, it is important to execute a baseline test to determine how many repetitions the user can perform with the specified weight. After the baseline test, users receive an estimate of their potential repetitions with the specified weights.

7. My Profile

A separate functionality can be used to keep track of an overall workout plan, a history of all the information about a user’s daily workout, and a profile. This way, the user can access all of his workout data and update his profile.

8. Add progress photos

Users enjoy checking their progress using either graphical data or images. Providing the option to upload progress photos encourages users to monitor their workout progress.

9. History of workout

A record of daily, weekly, and monthly workouts will provide the user with a clear picture of their progress on the targeted body part and encourage them to focus more on the workout.

10. Subscription Plan

A Basic and a pro subscription plan will aware the users of the benefits of each plan with limited and unlimited feature access and will provoke the users to choose a pro plan, if they still having the basic plan.


It is critical for beginners to begin working out with a trainer to stay motivated. These intelligent fitness apps use artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to customise workouts and provide coaching for each individual.

At Krify, we have a team of professionals who are up to date on the latest trends and technology and provide a quality-based service, implementing all of the client’s requirements. Contact us right away if you are looking to develop a fitness-based app and would like to incorporate the features mentioned above.

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