Software architect is a technical leader that has technical skills and leadership qualities. Here leadership qualities means the authority and capability of taking technical decisions. The leadership can also be characterized by interaction and coordination with team members. For any software that need to be developed, understanding both, the business domain and various other technical aspects, are important. Overall, the technical architect or software architect has the skills and authority to decide on valuable technical features of any project. The technical architect is responsible for following roles and responsibilities:
- Crafting a technical architecture and framework following the inputs provided by the Customer with respect to his/her requirements and resources
- Preparing an effective system design to ensure efficient system functioning, apt interface between man and machine, optimization of Operational costs
- Improving the performance and productivity of teams by initiating and facilitating congenial work environment – Maintaining quality standards in programming, designing, training, etc.
- Being the nucleus of the project for handling technical issues – Providing complete support to the teams to ensure smooth execution and closure of all projects.
At Krify we have Technical Architects who have been trained and nurtured to handle all the responsibilities successfully, as mentioned above. Apart from possessing all the technical skills, they also are capable of handling unexpected risks and mitigating them on need basis. Our TAs are our assets and represent the strength our company, strongly. We are ready to assist our clients who are in need of Technical Architects for their new or ongoing projects.
- In what way do you scope your architecture?
- In what way do you develop architectural designs?
- In what way do you deliver effective documentation for your architecture?
- In what way do you get started or optimize your architecture-centric development activities?
- In what way do you create powerful architectural requirements for your product or product line?
- In what way do you custom architectural assessment in developing your product or product line?