In the present era, technological advancements shape every aspect of our lives. The rise of new enterprises, especially in the online domain, is evident. Technology has revolutionized education, altering learning methods and resource consumption. The e-learning platform has surged exponentially, gaining fame among learners, trainers, and businesses. Online Course Platform Development offers hope to all, reshaping learning and teaching.
- “Online Course Platform Development is essential for creating robust e-learning solutions.”
- “When considering Online Course Platform Development, user experience should be a top priority.”
- “Investing in Online Course Platform Development ensures scalability and flexibility for your e-learning business.”
- “Effective Online Course Platform Development requires thorough planning and attention to detail.”
- “Stay ahead of the competition by continuously optimizing your Online Course Platform Development strategies.”
Here, it’s noteworthy to mention how huge the e-learning industry is. At present, the global E-learning market is only $107 billion, which will surpass $325 billion by 2025. E-learning businesses have made more than $46Billion in 2017 just by selling online courses. Companies are improving their productivity of employees by 26%, just by implementing a learning management system. The growth of online e-learning as an industry has seen a whopping leap of 900% since 2000.
Every e-learning startup has to know that IBM has saved more than $200 million by implementing a strategy for corporate training. The education system has taken advantage of using the internet and came with the best e-learning management system. ( Here in this article, we go through using the e-learning business and how you can develop your own e-learning business like Udemy or Udemy clone or a ready product like Udemy.
Let’s go in deep into the topic.
What is the Online Tutorial Clone Script?
An Online Tutorial clone script is an online learning management system that acts as a medium of connectivity between the instructor and student. For an online e-learning marketplace usually based on three objectives as primary for the users on the platform:
- Learners want to buy online courses
- Marketplace owners earn through commissions on sales made by subject experts
- Experts will earn by selling online courses.
Top Trending E-learning Web application
- Edureka
- Udemy
- Simplilearn
- PluralSight
- Coursera
- edX
- QuickStart
- SkillShare
- Virtual College
- 360Training
- FutureLearn
Business Revenue models of E-learning clone Website
Readymade E-learning website will offer various video courses to connect with online learners across the globe. The course classification will be done in two ways like free and paid. To choose paid courses you need to pay by selecting the course of your choice.
Here are the revenue models that are offered by online e-learning marketplace website clone script:
- Pay Per Course: In this model, the learner needs to pay per course that he selects for learning.
- Pay after free sessions: In this model, the user will be able to access to view videos up to a certain level, then he should pay to go for further sessions.
Success factors of major e-learning readymade website development
The responsive e-learning website demand is always on the increase and drives to the development of multiple successful e-learning websites. Though they handle various niches and differentiate themselves with unique features, the factors that defined the success of many of them remained the same.
- Specify with clear Objective
- Consistent learning management system implementation
- An Active and aggressive team
- High-quality ideals
- Be sure to implement risk management guidelines
- Appropriate promotion and interaction strategies
- Timely assessment of success
Key factors to consider before opting an E-learning clone Script
E-learning Ready-made products or e-learning clone scripts are one of the ideal replications of the major successful websites or mobile or web applications. They are a smart and viable choice to mirror the success of the originals. Picking the right e-learning clone script is very crucial in defining the success of the business, particularly the online learning and teaching marketplace. An online tutorial website has two prominent beneficiaries:
- Admin
- Instructor/user
It is very important to identify how an online tutorial clone script should be useful to them separately, as a user and admin use an online e-learning website for a different purpose. Here are some of the major factors to be considered before choosing an online learning software.
For Admin
- Ability to scale-up
- Effective customization tools
- Uninterrupted revenue generation
- Collective features to match the learners with the suitable tutors
- Easy to maintain with the necessary automation
- An error-free progress tracking system
For User/Instructor
- Sufficient Features
- Affordable and secure payment options
- Fluent Compatibility
- Simple learning and teaching process
Key Features of e-learning readymade website development
In this e-learning website, we have types of panels using which interact with the online e-learning website.
- User
- Instructor
- Admin
Each of this panel has its own features:
User Panel Features of E-Learning Management System
Simple Login:
Enables users with a basic sign-up and login process to the e-learning web portal.
Home Page:
Where the user can view all the online video courses available, expert instructions, top courses, top 10 latest courses, and Lifetime access.
Using which the user can search easily for the online video courses of his interest.
My Courses:
Where the user finds all his courses that are chosen of his interest.
The place where the user has chosen to buy online videos course of his interest.
Here is the list of courses that are available for the users.
User Profile:
Where the user can see all his profile information such as:
My courses:
List of video courses that he has chosen to learn which also has filters by – categories, reset option with the search box.
My wishlist:
List of video courses that he likes the most from the among the courses along with search option.
My messages:
Can view the messages that the admin or instructor sends with the date of sending. Here the user can compose the message to send to the admin or instructor for any support.
Purchase history:
Can view all the video courses that are purchased previously with full details like date, total price, payment type, actions.
User Profile:
View personal information of the user like the First name, Last name, biography, Social media links like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn.
Using which the user can exit from the E-learning website.
Instructor Panel Features of E-Learning Management System
Simple sign-in process:
The instructor will be logged in to the online website with the credentials provided by Admin.
Home page: Once the instructor login he will be directed to the home page which consists the sections such as:
Active courses:
List of video courses that are added by the instructors and are actively available to users.
Pending Courses:
List of courses that are not yet completely added by the instructor.
Drafted Courses:
List of video courses that are not fully done by the instructor
Free Courses:
List of courses that are available cost-free to the users
Paid Courses:
List of courses that are available to the user by paying some amount to the instructor.
Add Course:
Here the instructor adds the course details to the course list by filling the following sections:
Basic Information:
Here the instructors will come up with course title, short description, description of the course, category, Level(Beginner, Medium, Expert), Language, checkbox indicating to in list in the top course.
Provide all the requirements need for that particular course.
Provides all the outcomes of that particular course.
Provides the cost for that particular along with a discount if required and also needs to give whether it is a free course or paid.
Here the instructor needs to provide the link of Youtube, Vimeo, HTML5 along with course thumbnail
The instructor must give the meta keywords and meta description so that it will helpful for the search engine to display in the top ranking.
Once the above all sections were filled the instructor will submit the course.
Course List:
The instructor can view all the courses that he added based on filters like categories, status, price.
Instructor Revenue:
The instructor can view the revenue that he generated by showing the number of entries, enrolled course, instructor revenue, the status of payment, Option.
The instructor can view the payment settings that involve setting up a PayPal setting with Client id or set up Stripe settings with Live secret key, live public key. Once everything was given the instructor will update both payment keys.
Admin Panel Features of E-Learning Management System
Where admin can view analytics regarding the revenue of the year based on the number of courses, number of video lessons, number of enrolment, number of students, an overview of courses involves active courses, pending courses, and also unpaid instructor revenue.
which has a list of courses that are added by instructors and can add categories just like the instructor. The admin had the right to edit or delete the courses add to the list
Admin can view all the list courses by categories that are active, pending, draft, free courses and paid courses.
Admin can list all the students with their photos, name, email, enrolled courses and action.
Admin can view all the enrolled students based on the date filters, he can delete the student and can enroll a student with the user name and course type.
Can view the report regarding admin revenue and instructor revenue.
Admin sends message to instructor and user as well.
Admin can able to perform the following setting options:
System settings:
This includes website name, Website title, website keywords, website description, author, and many more.
Website settings:
This consists of Banner title, banner subtitle, about us, terms and conditions, privacy policy, etc.
Payment setting:
This consists of currency type, currency position, payment gateway provider type, etc.
Instructor Settings:
Here the admin will give certain permissions like whether to allow the public instructor or not, instructor revenue percentage, admin revenue percentage.
Language Settings:
Admin can edit the language or add the language
Smtp Settings:
Admin can edit the SMTP settings like protocol, SMTP host, SMTP port, Username, and password.
Theme Settings:
Can view the theme type that is active.
Here the admin views all the information regarding the website like version, updates, PHP version, etc.
Technology Stack used for the development of e-learning readymade website like Udemy
This Udemy clone script was developed with our professional developers by utilizing the following technologies.
- Languages: JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP
- Software Framework: CodeIgniter
- Core Language Version: PHP 7
- Payment Gateway: PayPay, Stripe
Confused to choose among ready-made e-learning platforms or Customize open-source platforms?
As we discussed above regarding e-learning ready product, you have to choose between two approaches. To integrate a ready-made custom e-learning product or customize an open-source portal. If you have pick ready-made custom e-learning product, then there are certain points to consider such as:
- Have a deep look at features and verify whether it meets your business needs.
- Examine whether it is frequently updated
- Get a clear picture of the support that provided by LMS
Bottom Line
E-learning website is a more versatility learning opportunity that handles the future of learning. E-learning is not just a business industry, but also a social obligation. To come up with an incredible online e-learning portal takes tremendous effort and one should for sure invest a considerable amount of time, money and effort for the cause. Always make sure to focus on technology because without the proper technology you cannot offer courses and the learners will fall short in achieving the course objectives.
If you need help in creating an e-learning website with all the latest features, contact us, we will exceed your expectations. For more details reach us and we at Krifyare here to help you out.
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