Penetration Testing Industry Standards

Penetration Testing Industry Standards

What are the Top 5 Penetration Testing Techniques?

It is said that an application is fully deployable only when multiple tests are performed and have been certified as free from flaws or bugs. The safeguarding of a site from hackers and intruders from third parties is a major deal for business owners, but it could lead to a better and more stable platform that implements perfect testing procedures.

One critical testing phase for confirming application performance and reliability is Penetration Testing or pen-testing, which rigorously assesses application vulnerabilities.

A penetration test, commonly called a pen test, uncovers software system vulnerabilities through cyber attacks. It involves finding bugs and identifying system violations.

Let us dive deep acknowledging the top 5 penetration testing standards.

Top 5 Penetration Testing Standards and Methodologies:


It offers a scientific approach for network penetration testing and vulnerability evaluation in the OSSTMM system, one of the industry’s most recognized standards. This methodology uses the profound experience, skills, and human intelligence of the tester in order to identify the identified vulnerabilities and their effect on the network. This framework has been developed to support network development teams, as related to other security guidelines. Most developers use this manual and the instructions it offers, and IT teams base their firewalls and networks.

Is it important to get your Web Application PEN-Tested?


The OWASP is the top global Open Web Platform Application Security initiative. This technique-driven by a very well-trained and federal system community has enabled countless organizations to curb vulnerabilities in applications. This system is a technique for evaluating applications that can not only identify web and mobile applications’ security flaws but also identify complex logic vulnerabilities resulting from unsafe development practices.


A manual is issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that boosts an organization’s total cybersecurity. In this context, NIST aims at ensuring the security of data in appropriate industries such as banking, communications, electricity, etc. Both small and large businesses can adapt the requirements according to their unique needs. ( NIST makes a huge impact on cybersecurity progress in a variety of American industries with outstanding standards and protocols.


The PTES technique focuses on the most recommended strategy for the structuring of a testing process. this testing concepts and standards guide the test on different phases of a  test including initial contact, the collection of information, and modeling of threats. After this penetration test level, test testers become as informed as possible about the company and its technical background until they concentrate on exploiting potentially vulnerable areas and determine the most sophisticated attack scenarios they could attempt.

Web developers


The ISSAF standard contains a more standardized and specialized approach to  testing relative to the earlier standard. If the particular scenario of your business needs a highly skilled and completely customized procedure, this manual should be useful for the specialists responsible for your  test. Testers can also find, in some situations, information about tools widely used by actual hackers to target specific areas.


It is very important to have a vulnerable proof application to secure the website from intruders and hackers. 

At Krify, our qualified developers excel in cutting-edge technology and actively apply their skills to create robust mobile and web applications. If you are looking to build a safe and stable application for your company, please contact us.

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