mobile app for emision reduction

Logistics Emissions Reduction by using Mobile Applications # Weekly RoundUp

Hello everyone, it’s weekend and we are here with a productive topic to discuss. As we know that transport emissions have become a serious health hazard throughout the world. We need to take the required precautions to control the harmful emissions from the transport system that causes air pollution. So the question is how mobile apps can control air pollution?

If we understand the main reason for the emission of harmful gases from vehicles. We can take proper measurements. The two main reasons for vehicles to emit harmful gases in the environment are using the vehicles that consume more fuel and the second reason is the bad maintenance of the vehicle.

Bad maintenance of the vehicle is mainly due to not giving the vehicle for servicing at regular intervals or it may be due to not changing the engine oil from time to time. It is difficult to maintain the data of all vehicles an owned by a person or organization for servicing the vehicle at the right time. The mobile app for the driver stores vehicle details and dates in the application’s database, providing useful information. 

Having a mobile application can help in reminding the driver on when to change the oil and when to get the servicing of the vehicle done. It can also hold information about the history of when is the previous servicing done.

Here are some stakeholders that can benefit from logistics emissions reduction mobile applications.
  • Companies that manage waste
  • Organizations that are planning to keep track of their emissions
  • Software development companies
  • Government bodies for monitoring air pollution

Advantages of having such emission control mobile app. The app can have the following tools.

  • Vehicle Cost calculator- This is used to compare the ownership and the emission among different vehicle models.
  • Alternative Fueling Station Locator- Using this the driver can locate alternative fueling stations by getting the driving directions.
  • AFLEET Tool- This tool is used for calculating the usage of petroleum and ownership cost
  • Coalition Locations- This helps in finding clean cities and contact information for coordinators.

Krify is a leading company with huge competency in developing mobile applications and website development. We offer digital marketing services and technical maintainence in order to help various businesses grow digitally. For more infomation reach us here.

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