How to overcome Communication Barriers at the Organization

How to overcome Communication Barriers at the Organization

Communication plays a major role at every step of life; let it be from a newborn to an old age elder. And when it comes to the workplace at the organization, the impact of communication is very high. Because even if someone is silent, it might be taken both in a negative way as well as positive. But until the person communicates either through the verbal or nonverbal way, people remain in a dilemma to judge the person being in silence. A well known motivational speaker Jim Rohn said, “Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.”  

The potentiality and intensity of communication are felt at every organization, but along with effective communication, there come some barriers that are not permanent obstacles but can be overcome with some positive attitude. If you have a positive attitude and effective communication, you can sustain any kind of situation in your life. But, let us first understand what the barriers that act as an obstacle for effective communication and how to overcome those barriers are.

The barriers to effective communication:

Emotional barriers:

There are some situations where some employees have a fear or they have mistrust on the other employees and have a wrong impression on them. So, whenever the person whom the employee is afraid of comes in front of him or tries to contact him, the person with fear misjudges him and slowly there is a barrier formed which leads to the wide gap in communication and there generates a hatred emotion, which is not good for both the employees along with the organization. So, to overcome these kinds of barriers, it is better to break the ice of silence by having a wise conversation with everyone and never take anything personally, because everyone at the workplace does not have the same kind of thinking and understanding capability.

Language barrier:

: Everyone at the workplace communicates with each other in one language, and mostly it would be English. But there are few people who want to express their thoughts and ideas, but they may not be much fluent or face grammatical issues while communicating. They fear that they might make any mistake and get embarrassed. And because of this inferiority complex, they lack confidence and suppress their talent and face issues in accomplishing their goals. To surmount such barriers, all employees need communication skills training and interaction activities to boost confidence and foster effective communication.

Perceptual Barriers:

 It is common that everyone has their perception of thinking in observing the things around them. Diverse opinions in organizations can lead to misunderstandings, hindering effective communication. Overcome by fostering mutual understanding and positive attitudes towards discussions and solutions.

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Cultural barrier:

Cultural barriers emerge when diverse individuals collaborate. Overcome by organizing inclusive cultural events, ensuring employee participation and celebration.

Physical barrier:

Fear of interacting with superiors due to hierarchy creates communication barriers. Foster open dialogue to overcome this challenge. Having self-confidence is crucial to overcoming these barriers. Organize workplace events or training sessions for employees to engage with their superiors, share ideas, thoughts, and foster positive communication.


So, we have seen various types of barriers and a solution to overcome those barriers. In every barrier, note that every employee requires self-confidence, the potential to face challenges, and a positive attitude to work. Following these points prevents the rise of communication barriers.

We at Krify have highly talented professionals, who are passionate about the work, and we maintain a positive environment. We encourage everyone to showcase their ideas and thoughts, and this leads to many successful deployments of mobile and web applications.

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