
Codeigniter Development Company in India

Codeigniter is a highly popular open-source LAMP stack framework and web application. Originally designed for small to medium-sized websites, it can serve as a replacement for other frameworks like Ruby on Rails or Django. As a leading Codeigniter development company in India, we offer robust solutions tailored to your needs. With its inception in 2006, Codeigniter remains a top choice for simple CMS functionality, providing efficiency without the overhead of more complex systems like Drupal or WordPress.

Codeigniter Development Company in India

Codeigniter Development Services

As one of the leading Codeigniter development company in India, Krify provides a wide range of services, including:

Customer Codeigniter Web Application

Our professional CodeIgniter developers have the ability to turn your rough ideas into creative reality by producing unique database-driven web apps that meet your company’s needs.

Enterprise Solution

To obtain a competitive advantage, our Codeigniter engineers are competent at designing Codeigniter enterprise solutions with cutting-edge tools and technologies.

Codeigniter Portal Development

CodeIgniter development services can be used to build web applications such as a portal. Our expert team of CodeIgniter developers is capable of designing professional portals that can produce significant cash for your company.

Codeigniter CRM Development

If you want to create a feature-rich and fully-functional Codeigniter CRM application, then employ CodeIgniter developers from us to properly manage your business and clients.

Mobile App Backend Development

If you really want to create web backends for your mobile apps using CodeIgniter, we can provide highly functional, comprehensive, and unrivaled web backend development.

Maintenance and Support

Use our CodeIgniter maintenance and support services to quickly handle complex queries, repair underperforming issues, and apply the most recent security patches.

Benifits of Codeigniter Development Company in India

Benefits of Codeigniter Development Company

Customizability: The need to rely on CodeIgniter for prospective web development services demonstrates its ability to resolve errors instantly and configure files in a simplified manner. It would be ideal to consult a renowned specialist who can assist in aligning tasks with the organization’s needs.

Database Migration :Data migration in Codeigniter allows developers to easily reverse database changes. With migrations, engineers will be able to easily and seamlessly share databases with other team members.

MVC Architecture: MVC architecture comes with built-in functions that developers can use while constructing a web project. Furthermore, the MVC design offers more documentation than other PHP frameworks. 

Developer Friendly Code: The Codeigniter framework provides libraries, tools, and even templates to help developers create web applications quickly.

Improved Performance:A convincing argument to adopt Codeigniter is its ability to deliver great web app performance. Codeigniter has a number of capabilities that might help developers increase the performance of their online apps.

Greater Security: The ability to provide first-rate security is the most major advantage of adopting Codeigniter for web app development.

Benefit of Codeigniter Development Company

Codeigniter Development Process

We assure you that our Codeigniter Website development process gives the best results as the leading Codeigniter development company in India.

Gather and Analyze client requirements-min

Gather and Analyze Cilent Requirements

Initially, we take our time to meet down with our client and develop a non-technical layout of the Codeigniter Website, as well as gather important functionality. This preparation helps to avoid problems during the Codeigniter Website development process. Later, we study competing apps and the client’s company’s goals, objectives, vision, and target audience to produce the most exact Codeigniter Website with a unique feature set.

Design Phase

Application wireframing, prototype design, UX/UI design, app aesthetics, and micro-interactions are some of the services we provide. Finally, we create a straightforward, easy-to-use, easy-to-understand, and out-of-the-box User Experience (UX)/User Interface (UI) design that provides users with an enhanced application usage experience.

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Development Phase

During this phase, you’ll work on everything from front-end development, feature development, coding through back-end server development and unit testing. To provide perfect Laravel Websites to users, the stage also includes error-fixing with debuggers and performance testing.

Testing Phase

We make sure our team covers all the important aspects of application testing. We test the application for usability, compatibility, security, interface checks, stress, performance, and other forms of testing to ensure that it is free of problems.

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Deployment Phase

Your Laravel Website is not yet prepared at this level of phase. For end-users to download and utilize the Laravel Website, it should be submitted to the play store.

Maintenance & Support

We also provide post-launch android mobile app development services. We often update the application with the newly launched Laravel version to ensure better performance.

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Features of Codeigniter Development

Innovative Template Engine

CodeIgniter templates aim to provide basic and composite layouts with components that ease a developer’s job.

Community Support

When it comes to CodeIgniter community help, one may be confident that they will receive hassle-free solutions to their problems. A large number of knowledgeable individuals are accessible to provide you with best-in-class help anytime you encounter problems with sophisticated development services.

Effective Application Testing

Developers use the correct test methodologies and strategies to create valuable apps. The PHP unit allows developers to write and perform unit tests to ensure the functionality of their applications.

Test Driven Development

CodeIgniter becomes the only platform that supports test-driven development, allowing developers to employ a step-by-step testing technique when creating a website. The website’s speed or operation may be easily analyzed.

Easy Unit Testing

In unit testing, you test each module or component of your web application to ensure that no part of your website is broken.

Object-Oriented Libraries

The Object-oriented library is a pre-installed library with features such as active user monitoring, password resetting, Cross-Site Request Forgery protection, and mechanism encryption.

Powerful Authentication

Developers may easily create logic for allowing access to approved users using Codeigniter. They aim at making it possible for developers to build certain web app functionalities much more rapidly and effectively.

Fast Time to Market

Utilizing the Codeigniter framework accelerates web application development, allowing you to go live much faster than with other frameworks.

Why choose Krify for your Codeigniter Development

Why Choose Krify for your Codeigniter Development

You can install Codeigniter with Composer, making it easy to install on any system that supports PHP or greater. Composer also provides a full class autoloading mechanism for application code and third-party libraries. One of its most popular features is the ability to modify core functionality through plugins, meaning you don’t have to worry about having your site break if you change something at the heart of how the software works.

Industries We Serve

Also Expertise In

Mobile App Development
Our Mobile app developers let us create innovative and stable business applications

Website Development
Work with our Web developers and designers for hire and you’ll be 100% satisfied.

Php Framework
The PHP framework is very light in weight and was released back in the year 2006.

Digital Marketing
A marketing agency specialise in getting your brand in front of your online audience.

CMS Website Development
We offer CMS Web Design & Development Services for individuals and enterprises.

Designing Services
Providing immersive UI designs, Creative UI/UX Web and Mobile app design services

frequently Asked questions?

It depends on how complex the application is and what features you want in it.

The cost for developing a Codeigniter-based app depends on various factors such as the number of resources required to work on the application, time taken to develop the app, technologies to be implemented, and so on.

  • A wide array of applications are developed by us. They range from utility to leisure and pharma applications and much more.

Entrepreneurs in eCommerce, education, finance, healthcare, media, retail, and NGOs are among the industries we have served.

At Krify, your app will be bug-free and hassle-free from conception to post-purchase support and maintenance.

Yes. Codeigniter facilitates the creation of modern and highly scalable distributed cloud-native programs, with capabilities such as caching, cloud storage, session drivers, and database read-write separation. Our customized Codeigniter programming experience includes the creation of incredibly scalable web apps that can handle millions of users.

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