Update Existing Apps on App Store

Its Time to Update App Store Apps

As most of the mobile app development companies are working from home and even under quarantine. And in order to accommodate developers who may need additional time to update their existing apps on the App Store. Apple has extended the April 30 deadline until June 30. 

The world grapples with COVID-19, Apple has informed developers on Thursday, March 2020. In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Apple has extended the deadline for developers to update their existing apps on the App Store from April 30 to June 30, 2020. This move aims to accommodate developers who may require additional time while working remotely or under quarantine conditions. Developers must meet requirements: use latest SDKs, support various screen sizes, and comply with App Store guidelines.

Mean Stack Developer

Is your existed App Store App updated or not?

  • iPhone or iPad apps must use the iOS 13 SDK or later and an Xcode storyboard for the launch screen.
  • iPhone apps must support all iPhone screens and all iPad apps must support all iPad screens. 
  • Developers must build apps for Apple Watch using the WatchOS 6 SDK or later.
  • Apps that authenticate or set up user accounts must support Sign in with Apple if required by guideline 4.8 of the App Store Review Guidelines. 
  • Apps in the Kids Category must be in full compliance with guidelines 1.3 and guideline 5.1.4 of the App Store Review Guidelines.
  • Apps using HTML 5 must be in full compliance with guidelines 4.7 sections 4, 5 and 6 of the App Store Review Guidelines. 

Developers can get more information into the requirements update on Apple’s Developers Website.

Krify is the leading iOS app development company in India and the UK our iOS developers have huge knowledge on developing iOS Apps. Our iOS developers are highly capable of updating your outdated iOS apps as per Apple’s latest Review Guidelines. 

For more information please contact us now. 

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