Advantage and Disadvantages of CakePHP Framework

Advantages and Disadvantages of CakePHP Framework

CakePHP is an open-source PHP framework for building faster web applications. It helps to make the task simple and minimise the period to build the application from scratch. CakePHP is popular among web developers due to its effectiveness in developing modern apps. CakePHP follows several steps from Ruby n Rails. It also supports web development for PHP 4 and 5. However, even though it is good at building applications, you still need to consider the advantages and disadvantages, in planning or developing the web development project for your business.


Advantages of CakePHP Frameworks:

  1. Object-relational Mapping:

    ORM is a technique in which data is converted in between incompatible systems using an object-oriented programming language. CakePHP has inbuilt ORM. That’s the reason working with database and CRUD operations is easier than any other else. Data is presented in the form of classes which is used to define relations and also possible to predefine callbacks. There are two versions – version 2 and 3, version 3 supports PHP manager whereas version 2 doesn’t support.

  2. Easily readable:

    cake PHP allows to create reusable code parts that can be reused for more than one project. Instead of extending its libraries, functionality can be carried to helpers, behaviours, plugins and components. The cake forge site has plugin components and helpers; this saves the effort of typing everything.

  3. No pre-configuration required:

    This means no need to invest time on configuring Linux apache MySQL PHP setup. Cake PHP does on its own by auto detecting all the settings that need to be configured. Even the Apache configuration is not required. It saves your time by taking charge of validation features which are already built-in. Developers can create different validation rules. The only one you need to take care of database settings. 

  4. MVC design:

    cake PHP depends on Model View controller, which differentiate the business judgement from data presentation coating. Models join the database with queries and save information in the database. The view shows content in a viewable set up to the end user while controllers develop data earlier it interacts with the database or even the model.

  5. Security:

    Security is one problem generally in development projects. Its core security and CRUD features allow it to be secure in the user submission process in less time. Cake PHP has built-in authentication and security. It protects the security of applications more than other frameworks. It also has built-in tools for CSRF protection, SQL injection prevention, input validation, XSS prevention, and form tampering protection.

  6. Proper class inheritance:

    cake PHP inheritance is understandable and easy. It has two main folders in each of its projects, the core library and application-specific controllers are extended app controller class which is empty but easily be extended by smart measures such as predefined core functions. The same applied to models.

Web developers

Disadvantages of CakePHP Frameworks:

  • With CakePHP, one requires to update default routes for making URLs as compared to other frameworks.
  • One Way routing in cake PHP is a drawback when compared with other frameworks.
  • The documentation of Cake PHP is not as comprehensive as other frameworks.
  • Users felt difficulties in migrating from version 2 to 3 versions of Cake PHP. To become faster, PHP doesn’t support several backwards compatibility changes. So developers cannot switch to an updated version but they can directly develop applications in Cakephp 3 with new features.

Apart from these limitations, cake PHP can still complement the latest trends in web development. It is open source and can be used by small and enterprise-level businesses to create a CakePHP web application. However, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of cake PHP is good to select for your web development. 


You can hire the cake PHP developer from the top cake PHP development company. Krify is the top CakePHP development company in India. We provide CakePHP web development services, we have experienced web development teams get in touch with us.

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