resaons for website redesign

When To Consider Website Redesign and Development

Many of you don’t want to invest in redesigning old website even after knowing that you need to redesign the website for proper business growth. There might be many reasons why you ignore the fact that website redesigning is required for business growth. Some of those reasons may be that you don’t understand what is the actual drawback in the present website, you don’t want to invest more time and money for the website redesign, or maybe you don’t know a good website redesign company. In this blog, let us look into some website resign tips and answers for the following questions. Here are some Common questions when it comes to redesigning an old website.

  1. Why redesign an old website?
  2. How to redesign the website?
  3. Tips to redesign an existing website

Why redesign an old website?

If you are wondering why to redesign an old website, here are the reasons why you need to redesign your website.

why to redesign a website

Mobile Responsiveness

We are living in a multi-screen culter and it is a must that your website needs to have mobile responsiveness. In case your website is not mobile responsive you need to look for a company that provides website redesign services or else there are plenty of chances that you are going miss potential customers.

Outdated Branding

You need to redesign the old website because no one is attracted to outdated branding. Redesigning your website is required when you have rebranded and you need to update the site in a way that it reflects the changes. You need to take care of not only the templates and the colors but also the content and the language. Also, keep in mind that people should not feel that it is not the same company.

Better User Experience

The website’s success or failure depends on the way the user feels while using it, website redesigning is required if your website does not navigate the user. 90%of the users do not return to the website after having a bad experience with the site. In order to provide better user experience, you need to understand your users and their expectations.

These are some of the reasons why you need to redesign the old website. It is simple, people always prefer the latest and the updated things.

How to redesign a website?

If you are planning to redesign the old website of your business you need to what it takes to redesign a website and the steps required for the redesigning process. 

How to redesign a website

Follow a proper website redesign strategy for redesigning your old website and here are steps to follow while redesigning an old website

  • Examine the old website and identify the priorities
  • Understand the target audience and what is working in the present website
  • Create a list of your new goals and start to redesign the old website

Examine the old website and identify the priorities

Understand what your old website consists and why you are planning to redesign it. Make a list of the points you need to work on. Use proper SEO tools and get to know what pages are getting bad traffic or has a high bounce rate. Website redesigning does not mean changing the overall look of the old website but it is enhancing the look, functionalities or other aspects. So understand what metrics you want to improve your existing website.

Understand the target audience and what is working in the present website

Redesigning the website should not bring loss to the existing website so it is important to understand who are your target audience and redesign your website in a way to communicate with people who are willing to buy your products. By this, you can generate more leads and sales. You should not change the whole website during the website redesigning. The good aspects of the present website can be left unchanged. Using tools like Google Analytics, users can decide what to change and what not to change.

Create a list of your new goals and start redesigning the old website.

Now after a clear examination of the old website and idea regarding the changes you would like to make in the website, you can create a list of your own preferences and choose an experienced team for redesigning the website. 

Tips to redesign an existing website

tips for website redesign

Here are few website redesign tips for an old website

  • Redesign old website based on the present brand of the business.
  • Improve your search engine optimization techniques and methods start using better SEO tools.
  • Add more social media links, this improves the visitors to the website
  • Make the website mobile friendly
  • Lower the page loading time
  • Add new page concentrating on the lead conversion
  • Add web animation and visual features
  • Improve the content by considering the voice search

If you are planning to redesign the old website and looking for an experienced website redesign company that can provide the best website redesign services for your business, you can reach us now.

Krify is the best website redesign, website and mobileapp development company located in India and the UK, with a huge experience of 13+ years. We have provided website redesign services for many renowned companies. Our developers follow the best website redesign strategy while redesigning the old websites. For more information reach us here.

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