Budget Friendly Mobile Apps

What are the key factors that influence to develop a budget friendly Mobile application?

How much money and time does it take to finish a project? What’s next? Common questions when considering Budget-Friendly Mobile App Development

The key factors that influence Time and cost are

  • The Complexity of the functionalities -Initially we certainly think about dozens of features that our application should have. First, we need to list down the functionalities and start with a MVP (Minimum Viable application) with minimum set of features.

  • The choice of technology stack – The more technical the app, the more will be its development cost and time. Technologies such as Mongo DB, AI integration, Data analytics etc would automatically increase the development cost and time.
  • UX /UI designs and animations – The first look of any application can either be a maker or a deal-breaker. The style of design you choose such as Simple, Polished, Aesthetically brilliant, Innovative etc also plays an important role in cost and time estimations.

  • The type of application – Choosing the type of application such as Native or Hybrid or Web also plays an important role in time and cost estimations.

  • External APIS and Integrations – Third party integrations which will take data from other Websites and mobile apps is another point that affects the time and cost.
  • The Choice of Platform – Mobile platform such as Android, IOS, Windows etc and devices supported such as Samsung Galaxy, iPhone X, iPad etc will directly affects the cost and time of building an application.

  • The testing environment – Thorough testing is critical to the quality of a product. An in-depth testing stage ensures app users face minimal issues such as glitches, bugs or lags. In-depth testing such as Cloud testing, Penetration, Security etc will affect the time and cost.

Do you know, your choice of development partner will also impact your mobile application development costs?

Outsourcing app development ensures customized, quality, polished applications meeting end customer expectations, staying competitive in the market. Not all the Mobile app development companies are adequately equipped in planning Mobile app budgeting. As a result of the knowledge gap they underestimate/overestimate the time, resources, and Budget required to develop the  mobile application.

Apart from time and cost, it is also important that the mobile app is professional as well as functional effectively. So, it is also very crucial to partner with right mobile app development company to transform your vision into reality.

At Krify, 15 years of mobile app development experience enables us to accurately calculate project costs and budgets upfront. Clear app idea? We tailor accurate development estimations to your project needs. If unsure, we’re eager to brainstorm together to find budget-friendly options that suit your needs.

Contact us today to put your app idea in motion.

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