Web application architecture

About Web Application Architecture | Web Server Architecture

Web Application Architecture plays a crucial role in the development of any application. It helps in understanding the requirements more clearly and to plan the functionalities and features in the app accordingly. Creating a definite and specific web app architecture as per the business requirement helps in the development process. In this blog let us understand about web application architecture in detail.

What is Web Application Architecture

A web application architecture is a framework that connects various elements and components of the application like the middleware systems, databases, and user interfaces, etc. A web app architecture has two major components

  • User Interface component
  • Structural component

User Interface component

The user interface components include statistical data, layouts, notification elements, activity tracking, and other elements. These are related to the user experience while using the application, they create the visuals of the webpage.

Structural Component

The structural components include database server and the web application server they are built using JavaScript, HTML, Python, Java, Node.js, etc

These are the two components of the web app architecture. Let us understand the working of the web application architecture in detail.

Working of Web Application Architecture

The following image illustrates how web application architecture works

working of web application architecture

There are 4 major divisions in the architecture as follows

  1. Administration Tool
  2. Client-Side
  3. Recommender Server
  4. Generator Server

1. The administration tool has a set of 3 internal components 

  • Management
  • API Documentation
  • Administration

2. Coming to the client-side division there are some set of client applications
3. Recommender server has 3 layers and each layer has some components in it

  • API Layer contains web service API
  • Application Layer contains Online recommender services, action service, and offline recommender services
  • Database Layer  has two databases one for actions and other for association rules

4. Generator server has action-based generators and content-based generators
These components are connected internally among themselves and third party metadata is associated with the database. This is how a web app architecture works.

Types of web server architecture

There are different webserver architecture types. Most important of them are

  1. Node.js 
  2. Cloud-based Web Application Architecture
  3. Java 
  4. .Net 
  5. PHP 

Node.js Web Application Architecture

  • Node.js  provides efficiency and speed during the development process.
  • Node.js web application architecture provides code sharing, reusability, more free tools, simple knowledge transfer, and coherence.
  • Node.js uses javascript and allows the developers to develop front end user interfaces and backend services.
  • Node.js offers an easy framework to solve structural and design requirements.

Cloud-based Application Architecture

  • Cloud-based web application architecture provides more benefits compared to other web application architectures.
  • The development of cloud-based architecture has resulted in corollary the decoupling of the data.
  • The cloud-based apps store the information on the cloud and the local servers.


  • Java has been the most popular enterprise development environment traditionally, this is due to its versatility.
  • It can be combined with numerous java tools to build a web application
  • Whether it is a simple or a complex web application java technologies help in achieving good results 


  • Requirements like microservices, docker containers, side-by-side versioning, and cross-platform support can be handled by using .Net. 
  • As the architecture depends on .Net Core and ASP.NET Core for optimization it helps in enhancing the development and functionality.
  • There is no need to apply database code for storing the data.


  • PHP allows swift development and robust security. 
  • PHP is one of the most popular languages among the community
  • It also permits simple maintenance, dedicated framework and extended support from a community of developers.

If you are looking for developers that provide you with a web app architecture you need not waste your time anymore. Our developers are well experienced in delivering the best applications which are only possible due to their skill and knowledge in developing a proper web application architecture.

At Krify, we develop mobile applications and website using the latest available technologies and provide the most optimized solutions for our clients. We also provide digital marketing services to many businesses to increase their branding and online visibility. What to know more about us? Contact us here.

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