Tips On Choosing A Good Domain Name For Your Website

Tips On Choosing A Good Domain Name For Your Website

Your domain is your digital street address. If you came up with attractive designs but getting the wrong domain address that doesn’t fit the designs, then the website will be in the spammy part. By this, you may be losing customers before they see your website. 

Picking the right domain name for your website is vital for your business success which eventually unlocks the door for visitors to come in and stay momentarily. Choosing the domain name is something that deserves the hours to spend while selecting. There is no exaggeration to say that in some situations, making the wrong selection can break a business.

With more than 2 billion websites, the competition for the perfect domain name is fierce than ever. So how do you choose out the unique name for your website? Here in this blog, we discuss various topics about domain name choosing.

Let’s deep dive into the topic:

What is Domain Name?

The domain name is the address users type on their web browsers to access your website. In other words, choosing your domain name is similar to selecting a company name which gives your identity on the web. 

Why is your domain name so important?

  • URL is the first impression: URL is the first thing that your visitor will see. A great domain name can make a positive and everlasting impression.
  • Affects SEO: URL with exact match domains are no longer necessary. URL with keywords in your domain name can still help your SEO ranking.
  • Defines your brand: Your domain is your branding opportunity! Which increases your brand recognition. 

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How to choose the best and perfect domain name?

  • The shorter, the better: Maintaining, the shorter domain makes the user search easily in the internet. According to some researches from DataGenetics, the typical domain name length is approximately 12 characters. All the studies say that all of this data shows that you should keep your domain name concise. Always aim the domain name with 6-14 characters, the shorter the domain names, the better its visibility in the internet. If you can’t find shorter domain name make it brandable. 
  • Make it easy to type: When you think of some of the most popular websites in the world, then mind scrolls to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Yahoo, and so on. The easy thing about these websites is that they can spell easily. The visitors should not face any issue when they type your domain name. If you explain the spelling of your domain more than once, then you should know that it’s too complicated to spell. 
  • Use Keywords: Keywords plays an essential role in a domain as they tell the search engine what your website is about. All together with good user experience and quality content, keywords in your domain can help you rank higher in Google. For example, if you run a glass repair business, then you need to register with either or Always include the keywords that people enter when searching for your products or services. Using keywords helps to enhance your website rank on search engines and makes more sense to your customers. 
  • Use the right domain name extensions like .com: Today there are plenty of domain extensions available from original .com, .net and .org to niche extensions like .pizza, .blog and even .photography. The most recommended extension to go is .com. Many users, especially those who are not as tech-savvy, will automatically type .com at the end of every domain without thinking about it. For examples, if the website is something like and your users will type like, which will end up with an error page on website. It will be smarter if you avoid the risks by avoiding other extensions and sticking with .com. 
  • Avoid numbers and hyphens: Your domain name should be easy to spell and pronounce. But by using hyphens and numbers makes it more difficult. For example, if a domain like Simplenote has a hyphen in between simple-note, then the website won’t get its identity. Your domain should be smooth and punchy by avoiding hyphens and numbers in that. Always stick to the letters.
  • Be memorable: Your domain is that it should be remembered to everyone. So you need to have your domain that should be catchy and memorable. Once you have come up with some domain, then share it with close people to make sure it sounds appealing and makes sense to others. 
  • Research on it: Make sure the domain name that you choose for your business has yet got a trademark, copyright and not being used by another company. 
  • Unique Domain and brandable: Your domain name should be unique so that you can stand in your visitors. It is smart to research your competitors in your niche and find out what domain names they are using. You can choose the domain name that’s more brandable. In general, brandable domain names are unique, catchy, and memorable.
  • Target your area: If you have a business in local, then include your town or state in your domain name to create it easy to find and remember for local customers. For example


Obtaining the perfect domain name is a lot, like getting the ideal place for food. What goes best for your business and resonates with the users will inevitably change. But by following these above tips, you are sure to have a domain name that stands the test of time.

Krify is the leading website development company in India and the UK have experienced and skilled web app developers. We even have hands in providing domain and hosting for the startups and also other businesses. For more details contact us today.

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