Difference between Flutter and Kotlin

Flutter vs Kotlin

Difference between Flutter and Kotlin:

While both Flutter and Kotlin are used for mobile app development, a key difference lies in their approach. Flutter is a framework allowing you to build cross-platform apps with a single codebase. Kotlin, on the other hand, is a programming language specifically designed for native Android development.


Flutter is an open-source platform used to develop native web and mobile apps. It’s a framework that is compatible with android, ios, web, and desktop. Flutter became an ideal cross-platform mobile apps development, in a concise time. It offers one API to specify multiple platforms at a time.

It primarily has two important parts:

  • Software Development Kit (SDK): it’s a combination of tools that assist in developing apps. It also includes tools that compile code to native machine code.
  • Framework: It’s the combination of UI elements, that can be personalised based on the needs.

Features of Flutter: 

  • It’s a free, open-source platform that empowers good documentation, the publication of a query with an open developer discussion board, and the implementation of code.
  • One of the main reasons why many choose flutter is scorching reload performance. This feature helps to make back end changes and also to malaise front end distinction.
  • As flutter offers various widgets, it provides developers the space to innovate and provides personalised solutions to their customers.
  • It allows developing an app for both android and iOS platforms in less time and low cost. It is the best option for creating app prototypes.
  • It reduces development time and cost as the development is made using a single codebase for both android and iOS.


it is an open-source language originated by jet brains. It is a statistically typed programming language initially designed for Java virtual Machine and android that associates both object-oriented and functional programming features. its a multi-platform that can compile to JVM bytecode and JavaScript.which are used for Android, iOS, Web, Desktop, and back end development in Java Framework.

Features of Kotlin:

  • It isn’t a framework. It is a software developer kit. 
  • It’s multi-platform.
  •  It doesn’t compel developers to follow instructions in UI creation.
  • It performs well as its native counterparts. 
  • It compiles code to a specific format as the focused platform. 
  • It is very easy to learn as it is similar to java, swift, and scala.
  • It’s very flexible.

Comparison between Flutter and Kotlin:


  • Flutter provides high-quality reloading features which help to make changes in the back end subsequently in the front end conveniently.
  • Kotlin impresses with its performance. It allows for best-customised performance. It may vary in native apps. The main advantage is that it compiles the code in the same format. 

Programming language:

  • Flutter is one of the best cross-platform app development frameworks, which uses the Dart programming language introduced by google. It is effortless to understand and learn through dart syntax is rare.
  • Kotlin is a programming language that is similar to Java.

UI Experience:

  • Flutter provides various widgets. This helps in creating personalised and effective mobility solutions.
  • Kotlin is multiplatform. It allows users to develop  UI without any restrictions. 

Cost and testing support:

  • As both flutter and kotlin are open-source platforms, they are free to use
  • The testing support varies from one another.


There are many features and functionalities that make both flutter and kotlin unique from each other. Each of these technologies are renowned for most of their features, as so it is not easy to compare and recommend either of the technology over the other. And, the use of specific technology also depends on the client’s requirements.

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