How Much Does it Cost to Develop Fitness App like MyFitnessPal

How Much Does it Cost to Develop Fitness App like MyFitnessPal

We live in times where most of the people are rapidly increasing concerned to care their health with more and more responsibility, getting time out of their busy programs to go to the gym or to attend a strict training routine. Advancements in technology also allow us to make people with healthy lifestyles so they can maintain a balance between health and work routine. 

With flourishing mobile app development, every smartphone user can do whatever he wants from the comfort of his home. The lack of free time to go to the gym is not an issue anymore because everything you require is a dedicated mobile application. Actually, your phone is your teacher, doctor and coach at the same time.  

Studies have shown that most of the US and UK people are using $8.5 billion a year on gym memberships, sports kit and fitness gadgets. Also, some of the best fitness centres are encouraging people to train themselves to stay fit on their own. All you need to do is simply have a fitness app. The fitness app market grows, and there are numerous different types of healthcare fitness apps. 

Types of different fitness apps

The most popular are:

  • Workout and exercise apps: This type of apps enables you to have a personal coach in your pocket. You can opt for a training program that is fit for your lifestyle and level of training. 
  • Nutrition and dieting apps: These days, people are interested in having nutritious food, and the fitness app market will help you. There is no need to visit a physician or another specialist for making a special diet. All you need to have nutrition and dieting apps that can create a dietary plan, especially for your needs and requests. 
  • Activity and log trackers: This type of apps can cover only one specific kind of sport or a lot of them. For example, there are apps for cyclists, runners or exercise trackers, and so on. Even there are apps for tracking the distance travelled, number of steps taken or climbed, burned calories and some other metrics. This app usually tracks the user’s movement with the help of GPS. 
  • Meditation app: The yoga and meditation apps have sessions daily, which are classified according to the level of a user. This meditation apps have a reminder option to notify a user about a sitting at a particular time every day and let users never forget of a training.  

Revenue Model of health and fitness app similar to MyFitnessPal

Developing a fitness app like MyFitnessPal means you are building a business which is designed to bring revenue. So the most common monetisation models are:

  • Advertising Revenue: The app can generate income by placing advertisements in the app. 
  • E-commerce: You can sell fitness related products and goods for healthcare with the help of your fitness app like MyFitnessPal and collaborate with different healthcare products and services.  
  • Subscription: You can subscribe for the app if you need any advanced features. 

iOS and Android app development

Essential features for the development of Fitness app like MyFitnessPal

It is essential to have the features that will help your app overtake the current trending market leaders. Here in this blog, let us see what features affect the development cost of fitness apps like MyFitnessPal. With the mobile app developers having the basic knowledge of fitness app. Some of the necessary and must-have features for developing the fitness app include:

The stakeholder involved in fitness app development like MyFitnessPal.

  • User
  • Admin

User App

  • Registration/Login: The user can signup with their Social media account like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail or Instagram or even sign up with their personal email id. 
  • User Profile: Here in this feature, the user can view all his personal information like name, his preference and much other information related to him.
  • Link external wearable: In every fitness app like MyFitnessPal, there will be a wearable device to track all the activities that the user does.  
  • Track Activity/diet: In this feature, the user can track the activities like walking, running, cycling, swimming, calories burnt, steps made, miles run, and so forth. Everything that the user did on a particular day.
  • View Diet plan: The user can see all the diet that he should take. It will be obtained based on the personal information that he provided.
  • View/manage health records: The user can view all the history of his health since he used the app and can handle all the health records.
  • Payment Gateways: The user can pay directly from the app using the payment gateway providers when purchased the products from the app. 
  • View daily progress report: The user can view the progress report of the day that he gained by performing the activities suggested by the app. 
  • View/track your steps: The user can view or track the steps that he did for the day so that he tracks the calories burnt.
  • View health Tips/Suggestions: In the app, the user can view the health tips and suggestions about the personal details mentioned.


  • Login: The admin will log in to the admin panel 
  • Manage dashboard: The admin can manage all the things that are in the app
  • Manage users: The admin can manage users like he can delete or add the users
  • Manage payments: The admin can manage all the payments related things like how much commission.
  • Manage Plans: The admin can manage the plans in the fitness app.
  • Manage Notifications: The admin can manage all the notifications that he wants to send to the users.
  • Manage Rewards: The admin can manage all the rewards that he wants to provide to the users.
  • Manage media: The admin can manage all the media activities like images and videos.
  • Manage subscriptions: The admin can manage all subscription if any.

Advanced features of fitness app like MyFitnessPal

  • Paid Subscription: If the user wants to have any advanced features, then he needs to go for the paid subscription.
  • Social Media Integration: In the Fitness app like MyFitnessPal, you can have social media integration like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter for sharing your achievements.
  • Chat module: Using this feature, you can chat with the trainers.
  • In-app purchase: Using which you can shop for the products.
  • Google Analytics: Using which they can know how the app is performing in the market.  

Technology Stack used for the development of Fitness app like MyFitnessPal

  • Sketch – UX/UI graphics design
  • Xcode – iPhone App Development 
  • Java – Android app development
  • AWS – Database
  • Android Studio – Google PlayStore
  • Geo-fencing – Limiting Location-based functionality 
  • Google Analytics – Gives the app performance
  • Google API 
  • MEAN Stack 
  • Stripe – Payment Gateway Provider
  • Firebase – Push Notification

Resources involved in the development of Fitness app like MyFitnessPal

Any mobile app development company will make you a walkthrough about the project initiation, analysis, team deployment, kick-off, development phase and delivery. The resource team needed for developing a Fitness app similar to MyFitnessPal would comprise of:

  • Project manager 
  • Business Analyst
  • 1 – 2 UI/UX Designers
  • Android App developer
  • iOS App developer
  • Backend Developer
  • Quality Assurance

Cost for the development of Diet and Nutrition app like MyFitnessPal

How much does the cost for development of a diet and fitness app? Many factors will influence the cost of making diet and nutrition app like MyFitnessPal. The development efforts depend on the complexity of the application. For instance, the number of features you want to include in your MVP to get the cost for your idea of Diet and Nutrition app you need to send an overview of your project to a mobile app development company so that it can give you a detailed estimation of the development costs. To develop a perfect fitness app similar to MyFitnessPal, then you need a mobile app development company, the team of people who will strategies designs, developments and tests. Therefore it is imperative to choose the right potential team of candidates and evaluate them from time to time. Here are the key personnel who strictly deal with project development. 

  • Project manager
  • Android and iOS App developers
  • UX/UI designers
  • Testing team
  • Time duration

The cost for development of the Fitness app like MyFitnessPal majorly depends on four factors such as:

  • Fitness Mobile app development company
  • The complexity of the app 
  • Basic and Advanced Features of the app
  • Android Fitness app development and iOS Fitness app development
  • Duration for the development

Staying healthy and fit is something that everyone wants. For healthy lifestyle bias, people are trying to catch up with during the past decade seems to be only growing volumes, so different activity trackers and work out apps are continuing to change and progress a lot, then who says that workout and blender applications cannot improve as well. Health could have never been this simple before! Providing the first-hand solution to everyone’s growing concerns regarding their bodies and fitness will be something legendary in the industry.  

Building a health and fitness app can be a tough task. But, it gets a lot easier with the help of a functional fitness, diet, nutrition app development company in India and the UK

So, when you desire to develop your own fitness application, first think about the features you need in your application and then hire fitness and nutrition app developers

Contact, Krify Software development company if you have any questions about developing a mobile fitness app. Or mail at and get the best return on your product investment with us. 

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