
Amazon AWS Vs Microsoft Azure – Which Cloud Environment to Choose?

Businesses globally have long grappled with concerns about Software Applications security and availability. Downtime often leads to panic among organizational leaders, making it challenging to proceed with existing technologies. This has driven the rapid adoption of cloud service platforms like Amazon AWS, and Microsoft Azure, offering robust solutions for such challenges. If you’re torn choosing between Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure, weigh their features, performance, and pricing to make the right choice for your organization.

Businesses worldwide have long grappled with concerns about software application security and availability. The advent of cloud service platforms like Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure, swiftly adopted globally, offers viable solutions to these challenges.

What is Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure:

Amazon AWS(Amazon Web Services) – Cloud Computing Services

Amazon AWS(Amazon Web Services)is an on-demand cloud computing platform with a  flexible and secure technology in order to ensure the security and integrity of user’s data. It also provides API’s to individuals, governments, and companies on a measured pay-as-you-go basis.

Microsoft Azure – Cloud Computing Services

Microsoft developed Azure, a cloud computing service, to build, test, deploy, and manage applications along with services managed by Microsoft data centers.

Difference between Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure:


  • In AWS, Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) computes the initial solution for adaptable computing. For managing software containers with Kubernetes and Docker, AWS uses EC2 Container Service and Registry.
  • In Azure, virtual machines handle computing tasks. For software management in Docker, Azure utilizes Container Service, known as AKS.


  • AWS: There are basically three types of storage in AWS, namely: File storage, block storage, and object storage. Also, S3, which is simple storage, provides vast documentation and tutorials and is the longest-running storage compared to Azure.
  • Azure: It consists of two types of storage: Standard Storage and premium storage. Standard storage comprises Queues, Tables,Blobs, and file storage types, whereas premium storage comprises Azure VM disks.


  • AWS: It makes use of a virtual private cloud (VPC) for networking purposes and makes use of API gateway for cross-inference connectivity. Additionally, AWS utilizes ELB (Elastic Load Balancing) during networking for load balancing.
  • Azure: Here, networking or the delivery of content takes place by the use of a virtual network, and it makes use of the Virtual private network(VPN) gateway for cross-inference connectivity. The load balancing of content during the delivery is managed by load balancer and application gateway.

Deploying Application:

  • AWS CodeStar enables the building, development, and deployment of applications, streamlining software development activities in one place. However, it lacks features on the app hosting side.
  • Azure: The deployment of applications is a simple process here. With the help of PaaS features, apps can be deployed to multiple servers virtually. It makes use of certain tools for app deployment, such as functions, batch, cloud services, container service, app services, etc..

Web developers


  • In AWS, NoSQL utilizes DynamoDB, relational database services are provided by RDS, and caching is handled by Elastic Cache.
  • Azure: For relational databases, it uses MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL database. For NoSQL solution, it uses CosmosDB and for caching purposes uses Redis cache.

Open Source Developers:

  • AWS: It allows Linux users as it is ideal for open source developers. Also, for different open source applications, it provides different integrations.
  • Azure: It facilitates the enterprise users to sign on the Azure cloud platform so that they can utilize the current active directory account.

As we have discussed a few parameters differentiating AWS and Azure, let us now even have a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of choosing between Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Amazon Web Services(AWS)

Advantages of AWS

  • It facilitates by allowing you to choose the programming language, database, and operating system of your choice.
  • Service offerings are deep and wider.
  • They are mostly trusted by high profile clients.
  • The licensing method is simpler.
  • BI and Analytics provide stronger support.
  • It provides more data centers for availability.
  • It offers better Devops Support.
  • Transfer stability is higher.

Disadvantages of AWS

  • The selection process is difficult as it has too many products to choose from.
  • The hybrid plan is brisk and is not compatible with the strategy.
  • Due to a lack of customer support systems,it is only appropriate for the technical support team within the organization and technically knowledgeable users.
  • Too many of the requests received are challenging to handle by the load balancer.

As we have learned about the advantages and disadvantages of AWS, let us even learn the advantages and disadvantages of Azure also.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Microsoft Azure

Advantages of Microsoft Azure

  • Developers and users can easily develop, maintain, and deploy applications.
  • Full support is given to Microsoft Legacy applications.
  • Enables the organizations to deliver Azure services from its own data center by making use of an inbuilt tool like Azure stack
  • It completely acknowledges the enterprise’s needs.
  • It supports a combination of Windows/Linux environments.

Disadvantages of Microsoft Azure

  • Flexibility for the No-Windows server platform is less.
  • The cloud-based services are full of issues and required to spend additional time and money.
  • The customer service is unclear, and the data is hosted worldwide.
  • You need to make additional payment as you proceed further.


As we’ve observed, both cloud-based services have their pros and cons, and choosing between Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure is up to organizations to decide based on their needs. However, these companies continually introduce new integrations, products, and pricing structures to better support organizations.

At Krify, our skilled professionals prioritize delivering robust and flawless Mobile Apps and Web Applications, ensuring we assist customers in the best possible way.

If you have any questions or plans related to developing mobile and web applications, contact us. Furthermore, if you have any questions on which cloud platform to use for your next big web or mobile application, please Contact Us for a free 30 mins consultation with our experts to suggest you. 

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