Top reason why apps fail

Top 7 Reasons Why Your Mobile App Fail to Impress App Users

The mobile app development industry is expanding rapidly, with new apps competing for user attention daily. This intense competition poses challenges for businesses aiming to drive their business through mobile apps. Discover why some Mobile Apps Fail to Impress App Users. 

According to Statista, more than 2.2 million apps available for iOS users in the App Store and not less than 2.1 million apps are available for Android users. As of August 2019, an overall of 4.42 million apps was available in the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store. 

Staring why mobile apps fail? Many businesses fall prey to tired and tested method. But for mobile app development, there is no set formula for success. Today most of the enterprises look for better guidance as they want to know what challenges are involved in mobile app development. So, if you are one amid them, then you are in the right place.

Top 7 Reasons why app fails?

Let’s check some of the common reasons which will surely help you in understanding app failures:

  • Inapt market research and target audience: This is the most common mistakes of mobile app failure. Most of the times, newbie app owners are in a hurry, and they just want to jump on the bandwagon. Before app development, there must be in-depth and proper analysis, and you need to validate the app performance. Not just audience research is necessary for developing the app that must address a specific user need. If the analysis lacks, that leads to app failure in the long run. There are particular questions that a developer needs to answer before starting the development phase. These includes:
    • Is this app can solve customer’s problems?
    • Is there market available for the app or not?
    • Who is in the same domain?
    • Do your customers going to like it or not?
    • Does there are any similar app available in the market?

Once every question is answered, then you can go further for the app development process. By answering all this, you can get a clear idea of whether your app gets success or not in the market. The best solution for this problem is that go with MVP and find customers who are interested in your app. It’s a good idea to use iterative development strategy.

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  • Inadequate and outdated user interface: Poor user interface means poor design. These days most of the apps are getting rejected by the end-users due to the poor design and experience. There a lot of components involved in building an app that offers a great user experience. If your end user faces issues to use your app and can’t navigate in the app properly, the result is very poor usability. Some of the poor experience include: 
    • Long registration Processes
    • Long load times
    • App performance issues
    • Features that are difficult to access
    • The app doesn’t fit with a screen device

A successful mobile app will avail users. If a user is using an app continuously, then it means that the app is useful to the user, and it offers excellent value. A successful UX design creates a solution that meets the requirements of the client and eventually works within the limits of the technological platforms.

  • Fail to choose the mobile app platform: Android and iOS have very intuitive interface guidelines as they work in different ways and appeal to different users. Ensure you understand all platforms and then decide which best suits your app for development. Launching your app on major platforms like iPhone, Android, and Windows is suggested for reaching a wider audience. This approach helps your app achieve a more extensive user base, crucial in today’s market. You should have strong knowledge of how user behaviour changes between operating systems; otherwise, you will find it challenging to build an app that addresses the specific needs of your target user group. While developing an app for multiple platforms, it’s essential to make the app to create different designs. The apps that fail to make this stand to cause frustration amongst users. 
  • Too many or Too few features: It is an excellent practice to have a balance between all the fields and app development is no different. Implementing the right amount of features to the app is paramount. If you have too many features that will give the audience frustration and even having very fewer features make the audience to leave the app asking for more. The features that are in the app should be value and the liable feature should get rid off. Always make sure to have a consistent number of features in your app and also depending on the device in which it runs. 
  • Improper testing: Testing is vital for any app in this negative mobile world. Before or after launching the app, you must conduct proper testing on the app. If testing is not conducted correctly, bugs may exist, impacting user experience and increasing the risk of crashes. According to some statistics, 80% of the users stated that they only try to use a problematic app three times before deleting the app. Furthermore, the app may have to thrive in various adverse environments, such as:
    • Multiple apps in the background
    • Low battery
    • Diverse network
    • Little memory
    • High traffic
    • Message and text interruptions
  • Unique application: As there are many applications in the app store. Make sure that the app so developed is different from others. To make sure examine what your competitors are doing. By this can define the weakness and strengths of your competitors. Apart from this information will help in creating unique suggestions and values that will drive the force of sales through more app’s download.

Aloof from these factors, there are many other reasons for mobile app failure after launch. When we focus on the market and targeted audience, there are many different reasons like budget matters, not applying app optimising techniques, lack of proper monetisation strategy and many more. 

To Sum up

With many apps overwhelming the market. So businesses should be cautious while developing a mobile app. Now you are aware of the reasons why mobile apps fail, stay away from them while planning your next project. The best practices will make your mobile app a huge hit in the market.

For the success of your app, it’s necessary to choose the right mobile app development company as there are a lot of app development companies in the world. At krify we are expertise in mobile app designing and development, so that can benefit you immensely. Contact our team today to get your app ready to make the best creative apps.

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