Test driven development and automated testing

The role of Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Automated Testing in Web and Mobile App Development

Test Driven Development

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a process of software development, where tests are written before the production code. User story-driven software development breaks down complex software into smaller, testable features, promoting cleaner, modular code. This approach fosters code functionality and readability, enhancing software design.

Automated Testing

Automated testing is vital in TDD as it swiftly executes tests and analyzes results, identifying defects faster than manual testing. Testing is crucial for web and mobile development, given the frequent updates and releases of apps and services.

In web and mobile development, automated testing is achieved through the use of specialized software development tools and frameworks. These tools help developers write automated test cases while simulating real-world conditions in a controlled environment. For web development, popular automated testing frameworks include Selenium, Cypress, and Protractor, while mobile app developers use Appium, Robotium, and Calabash.

One of the primary benefits of TDD with automated testing is the reduction of debugging time by catching errors early in the software development lifecycle. Moreover, automated testing enables developers to test their code quickly and reliably, allowing them to focus on new features and functionality. Consequently, this increases the speed of software development and results in better quality software releases.

Automated testing pinpoints performance bottlenecks, aiding proactive code optimization for quicker loading times and enhanced user experiences. By adopting TDD and automated testing, businesses enhance software quality, expedite releases, and ensure customer satisfaction.


Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Automated Testing are crucial for web and mobile development. TDD ensures that developers design software with the user’s perspective in mind and write it in a way that is easy to maintain and update. Automated testing enables developers to test their code quickly and efficiently, resulting in better quality software releases. Combining TDD and automated testing accelerates software development, enhancing stability and efficiency, resulting in happier customers and improved profits.

At Krify, a team of developers who are well-versed with the latest trends and technologies and are passionate about delivering high-quality standard results on time. If you are looking to know more about test driven development and automated testing , we have a team of skilled developers who can assist you on the same. For more information ,contact us.

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